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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. There are scores being reported each and every day and result moderators have access to a list of reported submissions and can do whatever they want with asap. You know hwbot isnt that retarded.
  2. Are you going to create a new thread each and every time one of your submission is reported ? We aren't blind!
  3. 15 wont even work on most boards Will fail specs
  4. Yes Master I do, but I still have a few to test.
  5. First series: Test Setup: CPU: Intel Core2Duo E8400 @ (x9 for stab. test, x6 for suicide) with a stupid low profile cooler MB: Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R Memory: check list PSU: Seasonic Platinum 1000 Watts OS: Windows XP Fan: Noctua fan on the memory module Cooling: Air Highest valid on air so far: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2686886 1.- Stability test at 4-4-4-12-2T-Auto w/ 2.2Vmem: Boot at 250 MHz FSB (Divider: 266MHz & 4.00A aka 1:2strap266) => 500 MHz mem Then increase FSB using SetFSB by 10 MHz, run SuperPi32M (takes about 20 mins to finish) => repeat till SuperPi32 Crash Write down stable freq (highest freq memory module was able to compute SPi32M) 2.- Stability test at 5-5-5-15-2T-Auto w/ 2.2Vmem: Boot at 300 MHz FSB (Divider: 333Hz & 4.00B aka 1:2strap333) => 600 MHz mem Then increase FSB using SetFSB by 10 MHz, run SuperPi32M (takes about 20 mins to finish) => repeat till SuperPi32 Crash Write down stable freq (highest freq memory module was able to compute SPi32M) 2.- Suicide CPU-Z Screen w/ 2.6Vmem 5-5-5-15-2T-Auto: Boot at 350 MHz FSB (Divider: 333Hz & 4.00B aka 1:2strap333) => 700 MHz Then increase FSB using SetFSB 10 MHz by 10 MHz till Windows XP freeze Write down Crash freq - 10 MHz. Results: Pics of setup: Red: either dead (DOA) or I need to solder something back on the PCB.
  6. Right was made 2 month before http://hwbot.org/news/important_screenshot_verification_mandatory_for_all_submissions Checked back.
  7. Sure, anytime anywhere
  8. Not mine, found on facebook.
  9. Christian Ney

    The Fail

    The fail actually is: no all in one
  10. Christian Ney

    The Fail

    F* you all Yeah I am not even ranked so kenny be happy to have a ranking (even negative) "it's something" I guess that's because I didn't submite any score yet.
  11. One guy hipro5 to rule them all
  12. Christian Ney

    The Fail

    Can only happen to kenny
  13. Yeah, same here, it's very often that the first time I open CPU-Z I have this error but then I open it a second time and it's all fine.
  14. Thanks bro, unfortunately I am not in the US But as soon as I get myself a gopro camera, I will go to a big airport like Zurich or Geneva, leave a box full of hardware alone and wait for the SWAT team to blow it up
  15. Nah, those doesn't deserve the same care as for good boards.
  16. I thought about opening a thread in the marketplace like "Free Hardware, take what you want but shipping costs from Switzerland are super expensive and was shitty hardware anyway". And this way I am sure nobody will use my stuff... EVER! Explosives aren't allowed here, used hammer instead. Souvenirs:
  17. @ rbuass: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63570 Posted before january and public
  18. damn that one is hilarious!
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