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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Ulta-D should be easy, you just need right BIOS and right bios settings, it's try and fail
  2. Massman said yes, it's not clear anyway on the rules (stage limitation), so yeah. Furthermore I would liked to add everything but my setup is fucking instable, even the vga is broken, have to use windows xp vga mode 800x600 only :-/
  3. The crew is benching hard atm http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=54472 As you see we are really busy.
  4. My expert is perfect for BH-5 but no way with TCCD. Yeah 0 - -10C like me.
  5. How much cold on the mem ? I will try back when i will have a proper board and cpu
  6. I.nfraR.ed you are safe buddy, I just can't manage to get my TCCD working well on the DFI LP UT NF4 Expert. And my two Ultra-D arrived dead from ebay, my Abit board I don't think she will be competitive . WIll try some more time on the expert but already spent 8 hours rying several memory, bios, cpu. Not even 300 MHz -.-'
  7. Second set of videos: Campus Party Berlin 2012 HWBot Crew - Day 2 Playing QuakeLive at 1am TaPaKaH enjoying ECS after effect motherboard at 3am Christian Ney and Doom on Intel HD IGP TaPaKaH trying to break 6min30 SP1 32M on ECS just walking to get the LN2 Dewar Same guys walking Opening the hardware container Booth and Gears Filling the LN2 Dewar
  8. Looks like it has already been fixed: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2485584
  9. Campus Party Berlin 2012 HWBot Crew - Day 1 All videos are in 1080P HD Dat car Car was burning Truck crash Burning car stopped Surrounded by Polizei Massman performing table jump Playing TrackMania Started to rain 01am people still playing Massman will post pics soon I hope, already posted a bunch on hwbot's facebook page
  10. ha yeah, asked to fix for Llano totally forgot for Socket A. Don't even need to debug it's the online valid, I will drop him an email, should be fixed tomorrow.
  11. TOSH-TOSH is my Toshiba's laptop sample I took with me to Campus Party Berlin.
  12. at least yeah, pretty much like for some CPUs, can do high CPUZ but low bench freq
  13. Actually there was a thread: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15185
  14. Memory is tricky actually you need to have both of them (imc + mem) stable, when I clock memory very high, setup usually crash just after taking screenshot (puts both under load). You can get to 1800 memory but you can show only 1600 mhz superpi so ...
  15. Planned to do it live this week at Campus Party, took the rig with me in the luggage.
  16. As you guys know CPUZ 1.60 and 1.61.x were extremely bugged and we were just beta testers, gave headaches to hwbot's moderators due to bugged validated scores and so on. Now Sam from valid.canardpc "to be fare" cleaned the ranking: link From high frequency validations done with 1.60.x / 1.61.1 / 1.61.2 (because their trust level is =0 due to highly bugged cpuz) As some may have noticed already this means those scores: Christian Ney'sMemory Clock score - 1922.9 MHz with DDR3 SDRAM at 1922.9MHz John Lam'sMemory Clock score - 1921.8 MHz with DDR3 SDRAM at 1921.8MHz TK-OC'sMemory Clock score - 1918.5 MHz with DDR3 SDRAM at 1918MHz Have all been rejected. Which brings back the Highest RAM Frequency Reached to this one (done with 1.59 and double checked by valid.canardpc guys): Christian Ney @ Ocaholic.ch / GSkill reached 1868.3 MHz with 4096 MB of G.Skill Memory According to valid.canardpc's ranking. At hwbot many guys don't like rejected valids posted, some are good scores and some are bugs but both are rejected. Now the question is, do we also have to clean hwbot from rejcted cpuz validation submissions ?
  17. Added all to the gallery that's me yeah
  18. Kickass man, I will try to give you challenge, be the luck with me
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