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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. 3eue6GG.gif


    Yes it says retail in CPUZ, but no retailer in USA has broken the NDA publicly, which means this chip has to be acquired through someone breaking the NDA behind the scenes or it has came from a board manufacturer, who would still be breaking the NDA by giving him the chip.


    Point being, even though the chip says retail, the methods of acquiring it would be backhanded at best and different from the people buying it from webshops in Germany. Which means you guys end up being the same thing you set out to denounce. Ironic.....




    Irony? You want to speak about irony, first you were all for anyone and everyone breaking NDA to post results; now that results get posted (which do not break NDA) your against it? Can't have it both ways. And what does it matter how one acquires a retail sample whether it be a web shop in Germany or a brick and mortar store in the US?


    I am glad that you have accurate knowledge of every retailers stock in the US, but Microcenter has had cpu's for a while now just fyi and you would be surprised what slipping a floor associate a $100 bill can do for you ;) Just gotta grease the wheels some times to get the ball rolling.


    Also when it comes from the horse's mouth (Intel) that ANY retail + Z170 result is good to post then why not? I mean isn't that what you guys all want to see Kaby results? Aren't you tired of seeing mediocre AIO review website results? I am sure you would like to see LN2 results would you not? The only thing they care about is no ES results and no Z270 with either ES or retail. I agree that this is a weird circumstance regarding the launch of a new product but it is what it is.


    I have a retail cpu but have not had the time to bench it, and all my extra spicy scores will get posted when the time is right.


    I denounce no one btw, if you choose to break the NDA you signed you will have to deal with the repercussion's, not me.

  2. . . . . .Will not judge this whole topic, but I am a bit sad for guys who invested lots of work at reviews, now are sitting on results and have to watch others show off



    I have not read any Kaby reviews other than the titles of said articles as I refuse to give them the ad revenue. Honestly I could care less about the review guys as they have been pretty negative about Kaby in general and imho, this the best platform for overclockers that Intel has released in a number of years (solely my opinion here).


    Ambient overclockers as well as LN2 benchers will truly appreciate these cpu's while reviewers will complain about "No IPC improvement" and they run "hot" stock and un-delidded. Good thing we have delid tools and LN2 to fix that :D


    Also look at what people are doing, not saying; everyone and their mom has their binned Skylake for sale for pennies on the dollar and there's a reason for this folks. . .

  3. I see no shame here.

    All I see is people looking out for their own personal best interest. Only reason you care about the NDA breaks is because your prelaunch CPU supply will stop. Frankly, I don't give a damn.


    These leaks help normal people, who might not have friends in the right places (not everyone does), get some idea of what's to come & organize their purchases that way. I am for everyone benefiting and not just a select few "power users/XOCers". :rolleyes:


    I just see people trying to maintain their superiority by making sure they get to play with stuff ahead of time & they share it with their chosen friends.




    I don't think they'll go that far, if they do, well screw em. They are only gonna hurt themselves if they are not willing to provide CPUs even to Mobo makers. I will bench AMD, I don't care.



    It really just boils down to being a man of your word. If you signed an NDA you should follow it, it's that simple.


    If you didn't sign one and you choose to leak that's your choice but in reality you are just going to get your contact in some sort trouble/headache.


    Is that worth a click bait article? To some of these "news" sites it most surely is which is why I never click on that cancer in fact I feel this is the best way to voice your opinion, by denying them the one thing they get paid on. . . views for ad revenue.


    It has nothing to do with maintaining superiority, it's a legally binding contract and I don't know about you but I would prefer to not have to deal with any litigation over my hobby.


    It honestly just sounds like your a little butt hurt you don't have a prelaunch CPU source because believe me if you were on the other side of the fence I'm sure you opinion about leaking NDA information would be completely different but hey I could be wrong.


    Also people want to slam Intel and throw them under the bus for everything but if you guys had any idea how much they do for over clocking that you guys just take for granted you would be shocked, but it's just so much easier to just complain instead.

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