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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Wow! Over 1 TFlops for double-precision! :eek:


    CPUz doesn't seem accurate in that screenshot. But based on the numbers it looks like you were clocked around 4.5 GHz? Possibly in 100 x 45 configuration?


    And it didn't melt?



    4.5Ghz (45x100) on the dot, 1.2vcore with a Corsair H110i AIO.


    Will try with my good ram on Monday I forgot them at the house and see if it scales at all.


    Mesh was at 2.8Ghz for the above screenie.

  2. Not sure what the 00 02 only a clr cmos worked to get rid for me.

    Cold testing yesterday and something came up on screen about MEI, boot into OS at defaults and always shows 4200mhz now(7700k) tried on 3 OS, 2x bios and a reflash, not sure if boards screwed, will test some point today.


    Sounds like a corrupted MEI, iirc on Asus the only way to recover MEI is with USB Flashback but maybe Elmor can confirm/deny.

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