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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. Ok, figured out the OVP mod for these cards just a moment a go. 1.6V and 1500MHz was ok at -70C. I had only 2 liters of ln2 left, so I just quickly did some 20 seconds of 3dm11 GT1. I will need to pick up more ln2 to verify this mod. It is super easy, so anyone can figure it out in 2 minutes. If someone else want to share it, do so. I will wait until I know it wont kill your cards.
  2. Most horrible thread I have ever seen. TOO many screenshots! Nice action PJ! The busy weekend sounds quite plausible after seeing this
  3. Yes and having fun is the key in current situation. No stress, no worries, no haters, no scores.. haha!
  4. He did not bother yet Atso just tested how high he can get in raw mhz. I learned yesterday, that you need a lot more mods for the vga card (10?) and when screen goes black, it is still ok to run I did not want to run test with black screen, but next time I will try it. Info about the card: Voltages were 1.45V - 1.55V (1.57V ovp/ocp). Temperature -80C up to -150C (Black screen around -140/-150C) Normal asus bios, no special mods. Maybe it is better to wait non reference cards, so there is less issues.
  5. Latest results are in the end of thread!!! Latest score is this: http://hwbot.org/submission/2253306_sf3d_3dmark11___performance_radeon_hd_7970_14791_marks Old post 08.01.2012 Hi! We had small oc event in north of Finland this weekend and I had some time to test 7970 card. I had huge amount of issues and I was very frustrated with the card. Powertune is giving serious scaling issues because more MHz there was, more crappy scores came out. Card was able to run 1600MHz, but there was no point to run full tests, cause performance was not correct. I will post my scores to hwbot database tomorrow. Here are the "best" runs. Unigine heaven was a joke, cause it did not scale at all with the clocks and 3dm11 was not correct either. I think Vantage is closest to normal performance. (HWB Unigine with 5GHz CPU) (3Dmark11 1.0.1 with 5GHz CPU) (Vantage with 5,6GHz CPU) Me and Atso (Asmola) will do some Quad Crossfire runs on Assembly winter 2012. We have good CPU now, so it will be fun.
  6. No, I got the bios what I was looking for today. My card just had cold issues during that short session, so that might have caused all the weird behaviour. Will try more on the upcoming weekend, when we have small SF3D OC Gathering event in Finland.
  7. Yes, but no way to get it unfortunately. AMD/ATI should release it directly from Toronto.
  8. Tried the card on ln2 today. Did hot wire mods with RIVE motherboard and that part worked well. There was a lot of issues with powertune and temperature. Powertune is causing totally random runs, if voltage or clockspeed is too high. I managed to get one almost correct run, but only with 1400mhz. Score was 13083 points. Temperature was another issue. -92C was locking up the system every time and -84C was causing no voltage on boot. I might be on rust, but maybe not this much.
  9. What is the point on hiding something on that screenshot? Like we wouldn't have seen these screenshots already?
  10. I forgot to update this thread, but I pushed the setup a little bit more. Stick was scaling with super loose timings. http://hwbot.org/submission/2237099_sf3d_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1607.3_mhz/ I think these sticks can do maybe 3.4Ghz on ln2, but they will not be able to hit wr freqs. Still it is ok result for 4GB stick.
  11. Ok, here are the new screens. The 3DM11 was only benchmark which was giving bad scores with old driver. These results are made with max software voltages at the moment (1.25V / 1.75V) Watercooling was bad and block was used last time with GTX 7900 years a go. Nice that I still had it though. Dirty setup Hwbot unigine 3Dmark Vantage 3Dmark11 P 3Dmark11 X Now the card seems to be very strong Ok, time to hardmod now when some issues are solved.
  12. Oh, now I see what was wrong. The 8.921.0.0 driver is very old. Updated the 8.921.2.0 driver and got 12.2K in 3Dmark11 Screens a bit later today.
  13. I don't have good CPU for 03, so I will propably leave it. Here are the watercooled runs. My watercooling for VGA is not strong, so there was not that much help from it.
  14. I used 3Dmark11 1.0.3 version which should be the one we all work with. In other benchmarks we use latests versions, so why we don't do it with this one? CPU was at 5GHz so score is just normal. Did some watercooled runs earlier today and got a bit better scores with 1275MHz/1800MHz. Next mods and ln2.
  15. Hi! I finally received 1 sample. I didn't test any default clockspeeds because web is full of articles. I directly tried 1150MHz/1700MHz settings with 100% fan speed. It went through all the tests without any issues Then I quickly tried to find max clockspeeds on stock aircooling. Here are the first scores with 1250/1800 and 1230/1800: These are sick cards! I raise my hat and bow to ATI.. or AMD to be exact. Next propably watercooling and modifications and next week some ln2.
  16. Yes, exactly. I never found suitable lynnfiled platform for memory oc. Any BD will do this easily, no doubt about that. Would be cool to test some better memory for this kind of usage. This kit is perfect on 24/7 platform
  17. Yeah, they are Hynix The exact model is: (F3-17000CL9Q-16GBZHD) http://www.gskill.com/products.php?index=436&c1=1&c2=3 I went from 1.7V up to 1.8V and it did not seem to do anything. The stick was not warm or anything. Well, I would like to test those higher binned G.Skill sticks.
  18. Nothing special here, but I finally picked up some Ln2 last week. I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided to test my Bulldozer chips which have been laying in the closet months now. My BD CPU's are crap, so I quickly discovered, that it was time for scatter benching. I did small article about Ripjaws-Z memory on my website few days a go. OC results were not that good, cause SB-E is limiting overclockability a lot. Then I got idea to test AMD BD + Ripjaws-Z combination. http://www.sf3d.fi/artikkelit/GSkill-Ripjaws-Z-16GB-2133MHz-CL9-11-9-muistien-esittely Well, just super loose timings from bios and that's it. I will start to get back in to oc things slowly during next year, so I will not wait another 4 months without benching. Merry Xmas to all!
  19. Haha.. Sof must leave the room tweak is too hard to copy. And I dont have a cat. Damn.. Well, you beat massman so easily. Let's see what he can do about it.
  20. I think I like our Finnish warm up more than yours
  21. Pieter, dont make it more complicated than it is. Some ES CPU's just act like that. When we tested those 35 in Sweden we found out, that some CPU's can not boot in to OS with clocks, what they are able to do while you are in windows. You need to boot at 48x for example and just raise multiplier to 53x in windows. No big deal Or did I got it somehow wrong?
  22. Haha Boris! We all know your luck, which have not been that bad Have fun with at least 5.8GHz SB-E. You need just one try and then we all can just hold our jaws once again. I will try to get 1 3930K retail, so I can make up my mind with these. If it is same crap as ES samples, I will focus on something different during next spring.
  23. Haha, no wonder my shoulders were a bit stiff after this event.
  24. Mukava nähdä pitkästä aikaa hyvä tulos suomesta! Koetahan vielä tweakata hieman, niin saa muutaman millisekunnin pois ajasta hyvä!
  25. Nice! I need to try Bulldozer memory oc as well. I did 1575MHz on X58 platfrom so maybe now I can finally hit 1600MHz+
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