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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. This is extreme! Now push the rest out of core, cause you clearly had to stop too early last time. Why only 1.46Vgpu? You should use 1.6v at least
  2. You can not say "AMD has no bug", cause it is some certain architechture, which does not have the cold bug. Every minor change in architechture could turn this thing upside down. Well, helium or not, it will be fun again!
  3. Hmm..no one got the hint, that BD will be cold bug free like Phenom II. Or no one cares about that.. haha. Those blue gloves were really needed with the helium pipe. -269C° was too much even for my finnish skin.
  4. Hi! Now, when I have time to look back in time, I found one thing, that I want to share with you fellow overclockers. There was a golden era not that long time ago, when helium was flowing and nothing was too cold to handle. We were benching like mad and nothing was impossible! There was perfect helium design in my head and I did some prototypes. There was ment to be vented pressure plate holding helium gas in the bottom. There was grooves which was ment to direct helium gas in to right direction and cool as much surface area as possible. The helium gas pipe was ment to go in to the center like you can see from pictures. Gas would come out from sides through pressure plate. This pot works very well with ln2 as well, but the inflection point is more versatile. Maybe someday helium will flow again and this pot will be there to destroy some records Bulldozer!!!
  5. Some thoughts about the pro league. I find pro league very reliefing, cause now we well sponsored overclockers have our own place in rankings, so we can not annoy the ones who have to buy everything by themselves. I will also drop the "bench every possible test every freaking time again and again year after year" style and will focus on some important ones. That will be huge relief for me personally. The old style of benching have been very very hard and when I have very limited resources, it was sometimes too stressful. I will not care about the pro oc ranking anymore, cause there is nothing to achieve anymore. So, I am happy! You should be happy as well
  6. CPU-Z GPU-Z max memory speed max bus speed max ... Those all are just maximum operating frequencies and they shouldn't be awarded with points. In new revision those will get HW points but no global points. This is very locigal idea. (Except GPU-Z) This is a good change!
  7. Actually we could make one large topic, cause there is more and more videos coming out. I can not modify the title, so I need to ask Pieter to do it. Feel free to post videos here and I will change the first post.
  8. Hmm. If you cool voice coils and amplifiers with ln2, you will be able to produce more power to drive the elements. That would be something totally new. Too bad the mechanical limits of subwoofers will destroy this perfect plan anyway Maybe I need to build my own ln2 cooled subwoofer with 20kW power handling..haha. -Hondacity.. what sort of system you have there? People really need to have good setups to listen this, cause I can not hear much with my hifi headphones.
  9. OK. I can see that the ln2 is cheap for you now Spending one week with one setup have never been option in here. But did you do any full runs.. like 5690mhz or something? Let's see how X58OC will obay the overlords orders!
  10. New video: I think I will change my hobby soon
  11. So..full weekend passed and nothing happened?
  12. I am sure you won the school drawing competitions with that sort of masterpieces. Nice fps!
  13. Yeah...Interesting idea from Mark. PJ naked, bending over wit AS | US tattoo on butt cheeks and being blindfolded. Hmmmm...
  14. You got the tank filled like multiple hours a go...where are the new records? By the way.. what is the full name of the tank..I couldn't find "Overlords cryotank" from facebook.
  15. Wow! Nice CPU and ln2 pot Congrats for the 3rd place in the rankings!
  16. Haha..but it was you who imagined how it would look like
  17. You just need to take tattoo on your butt cheeks: AS | US and it will be enough. Then you can bend over in our next sauna picture.
  18. I spend extremely low amounts of ln2 compared to the score output. You really need to focus on putting out scores. Nice hardware is always the key to get in to goals, but having tons of ln2 would help for sure But that situation with ln2 is just a pure fact and there is nothing I can do about it. Nowadays it does not bother me, cause I know my resources and what is possible to do and what is not.
  19. Very nice hardware and benching! Congratulations!
  20. So your heart is smaller, but cryotanks are larger In here the rent of those things are completely ridiculous and the ln2 price is still 10€/l. So..240 liters and that tank would cost like 3000€ and maybe with some huge discount it would be "only" 1500€. Well..now we have reason to expect huge scores dropping day after day from your house. Yes, I am jealous
  21. Nice score Boris! That new driver seems to be strong Have fun with the card!
  22. SF3D

    Raja@ASUS :)

    Congratulations! Nice catch by ASUS
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