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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. So everybody still think, that scores around 35 000 are still telling real truth about system performance This test is so badly biased to HDD tests, that there is no idea to use it anymore. I know it must feel good to see such a scores on screen, but come on. In general 24/7 use storage is not the most important part.. usually it is not. How many of us move or use really large (+10GB) files all the time? OS's need a lot of ram and that is making usage more fluent than any super speed HDD or SSD. I will get some SSD to my internet/gaming machine too, but still, I don't like PCmark05 anymore. I think at least MFT usage will have to be stopped /banned.
  2. Well said Gautum!
  3. Good points guys! But, I see some emotional answers. Emotions are bad, when deciding these things. I don't have them Decision which we will make in crew will be good for me, what ever it is. If someone think, that I don't have access to new technology and my opinion comes from that... phhhh -HDD's are good -SSD's are good -I-ram / Acard is good * software ramdisks are bad * SSD + MFT is bad (we have to investigate this more) Thank you! We will continue inside crew section.
  4. I have made suggestion in HWbot crew section, that we remove points from PCmark05. There is no idea to keep this kind of benchmark in our database anymore (This is only my opinion at this point) It was designed to be run with HDD's only (Hard disk drives), not with I-ram or Acard, not with software ramdisk and not with superfast SSD's we have nowadays. Futuremark should have made permanent limit with HDD speed, cause those insane XP startup speeds or HDD tests in general are not telling anything anymore. You guys have made nice examples in this thread, so thank you for that. I think situation would be the same, if we would have some new device, which would boost for example 3DM06 CPU score to 20K. Benchmark would be the same, but the basic idea would be totally gone. It is quite same thing with PhysX and vantage CPU test 2.. It should be CPU test, but it can be done by software better.. so the idea of that test is gone and results not comparable. I hope you see my point right way I'm happy to hear your thoughts about this issue.
  5. There was nothing on that page yesterday. It must be some error on FM side. Now it is fixed and result is OK.
  6. There was no problems with your Wprime results. No need to delete them. Check our database and try to learn how to submit properly. Ask some of your friend to translate rules. After those actions, you can submit results without problems. Thank you!
  7. Oh yes.. the Crossfire was on the previous page 300C + "bob" was a nice combination
  8. Haha! Keep posting pictures about your new toys. No issues with trust Maybe we can see your cars too
  9. Haha! Vodka and LN2 consumption will be almost similar See you there
  10. Hi Nazar and Sergey13 and Mayk! Are you guys coming to HIT 2008 (28.11-30.11.08)? It would be cool to meet you in there!
  11. You really should come there. I think the organizers can make that happen. If money isn't problem, you can come? I will be there and it would be cool to see how you do your benchmarks. I'm not talking about reproducing scores, but you could show how well these parts can overclock in our hands. I think some people might think that I'm trustworthy person and If I believe, that your benching and scores in HIT 2008 are real, that would make your life easier. Think about it
  12. I checked over 300 single card results and blocked a lot of PhysX scores. It is really easy to spot, if you have used it. Please, do not submit scores which have been done with Nvidia PhysX enabled. We will block all of those scores eventually. Rules are the same with this benchmark --> TOP 20 scores must have futuremark ORB verification link and screenshot is a plus. Other results need a good screenshot, where you can see the benchmark result page, CPU-Z and GPU-Z. Memory settings and all other info is a plus. If you guys want to help, please remove PhysX scores from your account and rebench them without PhysX enabled. Thank you!
  13. We are not hunting anyone! We moderators usually get some questions/PM's from other HWbot mebmers. The we can ask these questions on public if necessary. I think, that this is the best way to stop these questions coming? Of course it might be annoying to the users involved, but this is the easiest way to show that there is nothing "illegal" going on. I have nothing more to say. Thanks again Joe_cool and stummerwinter for providing these pictures here. This is the right attitude!
  14. Thank you! It is always nice to see pics from bench sessions. No there is no doubts anymore.
  15. Joecool and No_name! Would you like to explain your latest results to us. Some pictures about benching alone with different setups would help a lot. ("Warm Up GC2008") Thank you!
  16. bazx- We try to keep things as simple as possible. It's not me who decide these alone. I do know that there is many users who does not agree with us on this decision, but it is the best solution so far. Intel larrabee will not be any different, cause ATI / Nvidia new gpu's are multicore design too. If there is two/many physical cores in one pcb, but the card uses still one socket, it is single card. If multiple sockets are in use, it is dual card setup. We had this discussion already in the past and nothing have changed since that. I don't like to sound rude here, but this discussion will not bring us more categories in global points.
  17. There is no need to change the current rules. We are not counting cores here. We count slots/sockets (PCI-E/AGP etc.) One graphics card = one slot/socket, no matter how many gpu's there are inside.
  18. Nice to hear that Dedal! Superpi +other WR's coming to you soon
  19. No problems! We just have to believe that you bought the chip. That's the way it is, so no worries.
  20. -Dualist: Thanks for the thread. Everyone have a right to discuss these issues, so no need to worry -gprhellas: We benched only one 3D benchmark (AM3) and we used my GTX 280 on single stage, so frequencys were the same. Neoforce tried his 9800GX2 too, so that score should be legal by the all rules. The system decides which score is "higher", so the newer submit gets better place in rank. I haven't seen exactly same scores in AM3 with totally different HW -Hipro5: You are right here and we benched different setups independently on saturday and sunday like I told in my thread in XS. Rules for Top 20 3D scores will remain the same in the future too. Keep benching guys!
  21. Intel russia provided this CPU to our croup for this bench weekend. It is not mine or NeoForce's CPU. I had an opportunity to test it and so did Neo. We benched separately and with two totally different setups. Maximus II Formula OCZ DDR2 etc.. P5Q3 Deluxe G.Skill DDR3 HZ etc.. The Aquamark score is done with my GTX 280 and I took that other submission down, cause we didn't have time to discuss about that score. That would be the HW sharing of course and I don't want that. Everything should be fine now. If you or someone else have any questions, please send me e-mail or PM. Thank you and I hope you enjoy our scores!
  22. Nice benching PRO! Waiting to see your interview.
  23. Frederik- My motherboard and ram I watched while he benched BlackOPS hard. They don't have any working BlackOPS motherboards in Denmark, so it was nice opportunity to let him test it. So, nothing to worry about. Hint: As you can see, I have no QX9770 scores in my profile. M.Beier --> If you have some personal problems with other Danish oveclokers, I don't want to take part to that. I won't comment this any further If there is something to ask, send me PM. Thanks!
  24. I have eplained to Massman how Xt0m did his scores. No rules were passed an everything is just allright I suggest, that you leave this wild/stupid idea and bench like before. Then you just have to use your current account. Is this ok?
  25. Do you want to be banned? I hope you were drunk when you got that idea!
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