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safedisk last won the day on February 5

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  1. Z790 APEX ENCORE/ Z790 APEX TEST BIOS 9988 1. need ln2 mode enabled and mode2 if use gear 4 dont use mode 2 (Only used in xoc) 2. can switch 11F ucode in bios ROG MAXIMUS Z790 APEX TEST BIOS 9988 (Based on 2801) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_z296CI4n0hiMzvmyGmeuz2c0sNy1Pxt/view?usp=sharing ROG MAXIMUS Z790 APEX ENCORE TEST BIOS 9988 (Based on 1801) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fU7onLjkMkHMD-NyjLnyEz5BYVUrXJyQ/view?usp=sharing ROG MAXIMUS Z790 APEX TEST BIOS 9988 With AVX512 (Based on 2801) https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ilRPlJutrHLet21uWTDnt1Gb4KXUtuJ/view?usp=sharing ROG MAXIMUS Z790 APEX ENCORE TEST BIOS 9988 With AVX 512 (Based on 1801) https://drive.google.com/file/d/18q4QNfY7UZivXnwyjai1GTgc2sZyt3I2/view?usp=sharing
  2. Thanks bro just upload backup score 🤣
  3. ROG CROSSHAIR/STRIX/TUF/PROART X670E Series Beta Bios 2302 1) Update AGESA to PI 1201 2) Improve system performance dont use older cmo file https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/amd-600-series/x670-resource/m-p/1036016/highlight/true#M6965
  4. Z790 APEX ENCORE/ Z790 APEX TEST BIOS 9933 For XOC 1. need ln2 mode enabled and mode2 if use gear 4 dont use mode 2 (dont use ambient temp OC, only use to LN2 OC) 2. can switch 11F ucode in bios https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/intel-700-600-series/raptorlake-resources/m-p/1035782/highlight/true#M24593
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