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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Wow really nice cheating please show me more of your Ramcaching, you have completly bunnyed up lol :banana: Was one months ban not enough for you i think you need more ban to get your mind fresh:D I click like for you :banana:
  2. The board can do more but this frequenzy is max on this Sempron;) I will try my Sempron 145 with 450 bus too on this Mainboard, maybee i can get better clocks:) Storage is much better with the Samsung SSDs and also i pushed PCIe to the max:D Tested Crosshair V Formula too but Performance is 20% better on the Gigabyte UD7:D
  3. Its bad to here that Alex You fight for the rules and they where applyed, thanks for that
  4. You must not delete it. But you personally fight for clear rules and show it on your Sig, so i dont unterstand, why you didnt use it.
  5. Of course! It was written, thins October 2012!!! When Staff not know the rules, who should know them then? And in this scores is much more wrong than the simply result.txt! Lol, you also have removed the old rules counting since October 2012.... Really nice move, what the hell...
  6. All new submits keep the rules with result.txt and verification since then! C.Ney posted one outside the rules, then Sweet and now rules are changed so this submits counts??? Have moderators an special position to make there on rules to keep there results? I dont unterstand rules on hwbot anymore, maybee no more rules?
  7. Nice find:D Seems like an new PCM05 Challenge, who finished the bench the fastest way lol
  8. Nice;) But you should know the rules better, there are some things missing;)
  9. Seems so lol:D i tried to upload it again, but it didnt work:( Screen is integrated in wrapper file, but when upload no checksum and Screen:( Please fix this issue quickley!
  10. Dont worry my friend, i have the same problem, i allready post it in Bug threat;)
  11. Thats really nice, you mangage really fast the hints^^I like it, and now push it with 2 SSD and some cold;)
  12. Ok, next problem^^ I use your link and upload my file...but in Submit is no Chechsum and no screen:D http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2341914_moose83_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_%28dx11%29_radeon_hd_7970_3288.97_dx11_marks
  13. There is an error on hwbot. I upload the wrapper file but it isnt shown here? I will reupload.
  14. I cant unterstand it too its still on:( Its going quick when an normal overclocker did an mistake its being delete in few hours...
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