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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Yeah Popcorn:D Roman, please wait with your SLI Sandbag, upload it 1min for the end:p
  2. Damn after 5 hours Shopping now im tired:D But i get some stuff for low end Vantage and Dice:p Go germany go:)
  3. Then it was you, that stole me that card:p I see it too, but when i clicked buy now, it was allready selled:D
  4. But iam thinking about buying it tomorrow, than after benching giving it back, lol:p
  5. Buts thats no option for people outside UK, when GPU is here, Cup finished allready:p http://www.ebay.com/itm/Video-Card-GT530-2GB-DDR3-/281041628927?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item416f62eeff And also not working:D
  6. Because your team has an better AM3 submit:D http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2335490_egap_superpi_phenom_ii_x6_1055t_14sec_71ms So yours doesnt count;) Edit, damn the greeks have all Hardware on the planet:p
  7. Yeah thats the point, its allmost impossible But i have some hopes tomorrow, i will check some local Hardware sellers for used GPUs:D Edit, i found one in an complete new PC, but dont want to buy an hole PC, lol:p
  8. Lol, when i look the other countrys, no one has found an GT530 Card yet, thats so woot:p
  9. I think better make 2 results one for now and one for later:p
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