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Everything posted by Vaykir

  1. yes, after a lot of hours! and u mean A LOT! (round about.... yeah i think 20h)
  2. i got it.... the last 4 days it was something like that: run benchmark, options, run benchmark, options, run benchmark etc .... im tired of that. and next week unigine heaven dx11...OMG looks like fun!
  3. giving up is absolutly no option for the 6970 u must hit the target excactly. getting close is not enough. very broken english ^^
  4. oO who can translate that....? got my fifth 13578 score and my third 13580... im gonna cry
  5. the electricity bill will be lower than normal, because all of the hardware is extremly underclocked 980x @ 2400mhz and 1V (stock is 4200mhz @ 1,3V for me ) 5870 @ 525/800 and 1V (stock is 850/1200 @ 1,1v)
  6. y dont u use 200 blck?
  7. im now benching around 18 hours, but only get 13578 or 13580... its absolutly frustrating the points doenst matter at all. its because most of the competitions are to get as many points as possible. this one is a little bit more specific as i said before: if u WIN one stage (hit the target FIRST) its guaranteed to get the 6850 and the mainboard, not the 6970. for the 6970 u have to hit the target in one of the stages at any time (so in 7 days). doenst matter how u placed.
  8. Vaykir

    CeBit 2011 ...

    will be there on saturday. only 90km with car or 1h with train... yeah
  9. doenst matter at all. the first who hits the target is the winner, but when more than one person hits it, the system doesnt know who was first and shows the winners mixed. to win the board and graphic card u have to be first to hit the target in the stage. in stage 3 it was diabolique (but only i wasn able to save a varification link. i did hit the target 1h before him.... dammit). to win the 6970 lightning u only have to hit the target in one of the stages. if u hit it in all 4 stages u are 4 times in the pool. i hope i can help u.
  10. waiting for stage 3 to start... half of the day already passes
  11. thanks godness that i already hit the 1111.11 but i think unigine heaven dx11 will be the next bench of hell -.-
  12. Second Bulls-Eye score. Gratulations! How long did u take to hit the score?
  13. BULLS EYE: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2130057_vaykir_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_dx9_radeon_hd_5870_1111.11_dx9_marks 7-8 hours benching... i cant see that bench any more
  14. i think u have to hit the target in all 4 stages to be qualified für the big lightning. edit: ups... any, not every my mistake -.-
  15. Got that error now: normal posting works. Can u add it to the competition results? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2129520_vaykir_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_dx9_radeon_hd_5870_1110.94_dx9_marks
  16. info: u got 4231 points... try to reach 90 points more
  17. jau, die war vorallem 15°C "warm". wunderte mich echt, dass die so gut ging. 1080 hat sie auch noch mitgemacht. aber hab nur so viel punkte weil tesselation level im treiber auf 0 stand
  18. Nice score! I can remember the screem from yesterday: "YEAHHH!!"
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