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Everything posted by leoakirakblo

  1. Just for remind folks... jannuary is WINTER in Japan!! CHEERS!!
  2. Ronaldo , tente se olhar em um patamar mais acima .... LN2 Vs. Air/H2O seria o mesmo que entrasse em uma guerra onde o inimigo usa galhos secos como arma... Poxa pessoal sejamos sensatos!!! vao com calma, e nao facam desmeritos desnecessarios.... Peace
  3. hahahahaha no changes OMG!!!!!! i must run mooore tests and buy a lots of old vgas!!!! ...and my cpu was burned!!! OMG!!!!
  4. What happend with ranks??? OMG!!!!
  5. in japan, some xpander for just 6000yen i have one but useless ...
  6. Sorry about that Man .. i dont read that post .. ..Hes dont mean something like racism, i think ... In chrismas weekend i decide to post my results too , and ive used the same wallpaper for our internal champ ... I live in japan right now , but we (our time) every day make skype conversations ...and i can tell for you this result is true (colossos) results ... i think he can do it this result again... right COLOSSUS??? .. merry xmas !! you can tell me KBLO (cabello)
  7. send wrong picture would be a crime? only correct the post would be enough to not have conflicts ... and not accuse without knowing what was actually used ... hermanos, podemos comprar hardware a precios muy bajos en Paraguay... anyway it was a good result!
  8. hahahha you are really crazy !!!!!! nice work!!!!!
  9. to us that we have no access to the LN2 that perhaps we could not buy for difficult access and laws that prohibit a private citizen to get it ... effort, time lost and some tweakings study and also do a lot .. but contribute to overclock and clear. I swear I'm trying to buy an evaporator to ln2 but still difficult of access equipment for subzero ... meanwhile why not enthusiasts deserve the points? I think actually I still do not have points and autonomy to talk about it ... but I think it would be nice if we had ....... good job faster and I know how much time you devoted himself so ...
  10. The discussion is taking other way.. like this... I think you do not want to understand this time... end..
  11. well .... running water in the cooling ... would be fair yes ... in my town in winter temperature reaches -10 ... and I think they would be ambient,...... in this case ... what would be fair? a heater in front of the radiator? I know you really complicated to discuss type of refrigeration .... but again I say, that the enthusiasts also deserve WR points...
  12. Sorry Man ... but i dont live in BRAZIL at 10 years ...im live in JAPAN .. but off couse , i dont know what it happens ... I just think they should rethink the scores of enthusiasts league anyway .. it was some work to achieve these results...
  13. which part of the story is turmoil IN BRAZIL? the fact are the points of WORLD RECORD .... turmoil in BRAZIL demerit points WR?
  14. Anyway, also think the WR would be fair to the enthusiasts .. YES because I also know it costs a lot of TIME (which I almost did not have) to get the best result achieved with the hardware ..
  15. Ahhhh muleke !!!!!!!!!! Congrats MAn!!!!! you are really crazyyyy huahuauhahua
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