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Everything posted by Monstru

  1. For what? For binners ? Make it as it used to be with country qualifiers and finals, not bunnyextraction online cheap creap... Nice stuff when manufacturers invest 10 times less money and then brag about WW event because the community allows them to....
  2. Yes, yes, let the hate flow through you. Dig up all that unused hatred. USA sucks and everybody hates them. 3rd world economies can just go blunny themselves because of sales. Ronaldo is a cheater... I hate splave or ronaldo just because.... THIS is the spirit boys, hate each other, point fingers, go wild... OR....maybe this is NOT what I was trying to say? No...actually, taking into consideration how difficult it is to make some fair rules, the guys who divided the world into EMEA, APAC and AM and said x places for each region did a pretty good hell of a job...And I am NOT kidding because it it not easy... The only thing I questioned was USA getting special treatment (which should not happen for no country ever - what, are you more special than anybody else?!?!?!?!). And I am really curious to see the numbers I requested NOT because I want to say "HA....I was right" But because I am really curious...And please admit that you guys are also... The place allocation is fine as it is. Seriously... I think it is fair and it reflects the overclocking business as it is now. The other post of mine was an answer to Splave who made fun of my country... Well, you can make as much fun as you wish, this does not change the fact we won 4x more times important championships as americans did... Nobody cares you have more ocers if they don't do nothing in REAL competitions and nobody cares about competitions with 6 people... Another thing... there are two type of challenges... WR and HWBot rankings, which are up to manufacturers employees, seeded people and people who have a lot of money and can bin sift.... And live events where it is also about luck (like in anything) but also about the skill to make the best of what you have. And that was the only place people from the 3rd world country like me and other ever had a chance. What, it takes no skill? Really??? I loled so much. That's why people who DIDN'T have the best CPU or VGA always win.... Get your facts straight if you don't know. THAT is not skill and taking down numbers with selected hardware is.... Funny... Keep believing that... The truth is that this was a hobby for friends, who really respect each other and trusted each other. We did this for fun and we were willing to help each other even in live events. Now it changed. That is why this discussion happened. If it changed for good or bad you boys decide. I am just telling you that being respected by 200 ppl and 2 manufacturers means shift in the real world. If you want to be a legend and you want people to respect you please have the proper behavior. Benching binned hardware means shift for the bigger base of customers and spectators. Understand that ...fast... or you will end up wondering why nobody cares about real oc (LN2) anymore.
  3. My statistic, as far as performance is concerned goes like this. If we take into consideration real WW competition where everybody had a chance to participate and it was not a money game (eg bring your own hardware or pay your trip) and the qualifiers were TRULY world wide (just like a normal sport)... the results per regions are pretty simple: MOA 2008 - Indonesia MOA 2009 - Sweden MOA 2010 - Sweden MOA 2011 - Romania MOA 2012 - Korea MOA 2013 - Ukraine GOOC 2008 - Sweden GOOC 2009 - USA GOOC 2010 - Romania So you have Europe 6 times, APAC 2 times and AM one time... Ok, if you also take into consideration ronaldo's freestyle win in MOA you have AM 2 (one NA one SA)... Inside Europe, you have western Europe winning 3 times and Eastern Europe winning 3 times). So much for population, GDP and sales... And Romania shouldn't even be considered sales wise (right Allen) Of course you can also look at HWB Country Cup which even if it is not a live event it is still truly worldwide and nation based with tons of people participating... And then it gets even more funnier... 2009 - Romania (EMEA) 2010 - Romania (EMEA) 2011 - Indonesia (APAC) 2012 - Greece (EMEA) 2013 - Australia (APAC) It's pretty funny that when it comes to contest where money are not involved, a bunnyextractionty small part of the world like Eastern Europe (294 mil population and a bunnyextractionty GDP) won WW live finals 3 times and country cup 3 times. And 4 of those 6 times it was a small banana republic which really does not matter (right Allen?), with a population a little under 20 mil and a GDP smaller than what an arab seic spends on private jets and lambos in a year... Yes sir...funny... but hey, it does not matter, as someone told me in Computex, that was a long time ago
  4. Region man...region... EMEA is not Germany and France and Italy, it is Europe, Middle East (Western Asia ) and Africa... and AM is not just USA. I am really curious. The population by continent in 2013 look like this: Rank Continent Population 2013 — World 7,162,119,000 1 Asia 4,298,723,000 2 Africa 1,110,635,000 3 Americas 972,005,000 4 Europe 742,452,000 5 Oceania 38,304,000 Middle east accounts for >200MIL inhabitants It would be interesting to make a study compared to the general population (as in how much population a region has and what percentage of that population is active on HWbot). You can also correlate that with GDP by region in 2013 Rank Country GDP (trillions of $) Year World 73.98 2013 1 Asia 24.4 2013 2 North America 20.3 2013 3 Europe 18.5 2013 4 South America 4.2 2013 5 Africa 2.6 2013 6 Oceania 1.8 2013 7 Antarctica N/A 2013 The only problem is that in the case of population it is easy to substract Middle East numbers from Asia but it is more complicated to separate it from a GDP point of view (you do have Saudi Arabia, Israel and other productive countries in that area). I think North America or Europe might have the highest density of overclockers per general population numbers. However, this still does not mean that any country in this world should be treated differently but that's a different story (it does not matter how much money you make when you go to world cup football or anything like that, you still have a team per country if you qualified). But right now I am curious about statistics...
  5. Well then I guess Asia would still have 20 places and AM 3, right? To bad Europeans won these championships so many times, right? =)) Statistics, pie-charts, etc....let's see the numbers per region (AM, EMEA, APAC).
  6. Back to other topics -> So bro, how many places should be there for China + India + Pakistan + Indonesia??? 20?
  7. My boys from the gaming website will be there...
  8. George - the staff is on it my friend, let them analyze it... Ronaldo - relax my friend, this kind of stuff happens. It can all be checked and cleared out, no need to get pissed. What I am trying to say is that stuff like this will always happen and it will always get sorted out. It is normal for people to point at results that are out of the ordinary in a competition and it is normal for people who worked a lot for those results to get pissed. The ideal thing to do is to let the staff check it and don't put more unnecessary gas on the fire. Don't take it personal, don't put it to your heart, don't start a fight with other overclockers, etc. We are all people here and most of us are friends. And I know George personally and he is a nice guy, and I also know Ronaldo personally and he is a nice guy. Relax guys, no point in fighting. Please? Just be bigger persons and let the stuff take a look at the situation - this applies to everybody else...
  9. Nu, noi ne ocupam de educarea strainilor pe la evenimente
  10. Fester - Australia is included also my friend And as always, beer fara spooma si ...soooge Suzuki - tu de la cine crezi ca le-a invatat?
  11. Well, it is that time of the week again - LAB501 giveaway!!! If you enter our Noctua giveway you can win the monster Noctua NH-D15, the slim and effective Noctua NH-U12s or the cooler especially made for mini systems, Noctua NH-U9i. Sounds good? Well…it is… because once again this giveaway is opened for international readers, so it does not matter if you are from USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Indonesia or Romania – everybody is welcomed to enter our giveaway! Noctua and LAB501 International giveaway
  12. Remember that in the first post you are making a difference between press and seeded. And press gets ES in 99% of the cases...
  13. Well, in his defense I must say that even though he disapear for months, in the end he usually ships the stuff...
  14. This sounds good! Even though honestly I see no need to have both novices and rookie league...
  15. Hue hue hue...
  16. Our third weekly giveaway features a sweet EK-Supremacy Clean CSQ – Acetal water block from EKWB. It does not matter if you are from USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Indonesia or Romania ? if you enter this giveaway you can be one of the lucky winners !!!! (could an admin pls change the name of this thread to "LAB501 international giveaways" )
  17. =))
  18. You can see full scaling for G3258 L336D081 and 4790K L333C247 here. Both scale up to ~-128 oC
  19. Ehm...
  20. Glad you like it boys! I'll give you the template as soon as I get to the computer I made it on ( I was visiting my in-laws)
  21. So...I'm not gonna start a different thread. Instead I'll keep posting in this one The Futuremark giveaway is closed and the winners will be announced tomorrow. And now we start another LAB501 weekly international giveaway!!! Enter our contest and you can win 5 x AIDA64 Extreme Edition licenses !!! It does not matter if you are from USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Indonesia or Romania ? if you enter this giveaway you can be one of the lucky winners !!!!
  22. Well I put it on Facebook so why not use it here...
  23. Do you want to win a 3DMark Advanced key or a PCMark 8 Advanced key? Then enter this contest now !!! It does not matter if you are from USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Indonesia or Romania ? if you enter this giveaway you can be one of the lucky winners of a nice Advanced Futuremark license! Futuremark and LAB501 Giveaway - Enter to win !!!
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