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Posts posted by keeph8n

  1. I have recently gotten into doing R9 290/290X 3D benching and have run into a couple of issues.


    I have a couple of Sapphire Tri-X OC 290s that are able to run 1300/1600 on water, but AB/ABX/Trixx will not allow me to set higher than 1300 on the core. Memory can go up to 1645 iirc.

    I have not tried BIOS flashing as of yet, or tried to unlock cores as I was hoping to get the software side of things solved first. I have a DICE/LN2 session coming up after Christmas and I'd love to be able to push these cards past 1300/1600 and do some benching.


    I have heard that there may be a way to modify the BIOS to push past the limit that AB/ABX/Trixx set, but I have not done this as I'm not sure what to modify in the BIOS and don't want to screw anything up.

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  2. The animosity is insane. OC(XOC) is a community. We here are a community. Stop belittling people and putting others down.

    People come from all different walks of life and have many different interests. Let them like what they like.

    I think people should bench what they like. Doesn't matter ELITE or NOVICE/ROOKIE/ETC. If you want to spend the coin and bench with the big boys, come on with it! If you want to stick to ambient cooling, its a large pool so you'll have your work cut out. There is something for everyone in whatever they like. Single Stages and Cascades are easier for some to build/buy/get whatever. They use those vs DICE/LN2. Let them!

    If you want to points hunt and record chase, you can either step up to the plate and play with the likes of Splave, OGS, Safedisk, Alex, etc OR you can just enjoy the hobby and take whatever points/records you get along the way with the hardware that YOU want to bench.

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  3. I can give a bit more insight at this point as I have finally been apart of my first big launch event with 10 series intel and TRX40 from AMD.

    Absolutely in love with this hobby. Eat, sleep, shit, and breath this. Day in and day out.

    Those that have helped me get where I am at this point in my XOC career, I absolutely can not thank enough. So many willing to help if you are willing to put in the time and effort.

    Those that have said pricing and what not can be a deterant, whole heartedly agree. I started with a daily system and kind of worked my way up from there. Now I have over a dozen mobos, hundreds of CPUs, lots of memory, and more GPUs than I want to count at the moment. Some of it will be benched, some of it is for nostalgia sake.

    If you jump feet first into this hobby, you can and most likely will spend money like crazy. I could give a rough estimate of my 1 year expenses of hardware and LN2, but most would probably shit a brick.

    The knowledge that is shared between people is what makes this worth while. Yeah there are some tricks or tips that you want to keep to yourself, as it may give you a edge during a comp, but helping those that are new or struggling is worth it. It helped me a ton and I'll say it again, I can't thank those enough who have mentored me so far in my XOC career

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