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About t8y

  • Birthday 12/23/1982


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    South Australia


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    I Void Warranties

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  1. used that BIOS first on my 5600x/impact combo. it "worked"? idk what issues you refer to but used it to install windows and ran some benchmarks etc. now back on 2402 so i can get higher than 1900fclk so can't say anything about longer term sorry. basically we are all beta testing this shit right now anyway. or as AMD likes to put it "hardware aging like fine wine" edit: 2402 has its own quirks though. often needs "retry boot" even on stock settings to turn on/restart. and while i was able to hit max 2100mhz, anything over 1900fclk seems hit and miss, mostly miss. despite being stable in benchmarks its not any faster (possibly slightly slower even) and otherwise randomly very unstable - random restarts, slowness, laggy kb/mouse inputs. annoying. probably a good reason its "locked out" for now..
  2. 2 ez then, thought so cheers
  3. just nabbed a master so subbing for updates edit: no x05c listed here? its been out a while....
  4. not helpful so much to the cooling enforcement challenge, but; more fixed clock challenges. almost all OCAU run rookie minded comps have had this in place, promotes a level playing field (or at the least appearance of one, to those new to the game.. they soon learn its not always so level lol), it heavily encourages system efficiency and memory tweaking. you will learn more from doing this and the skills you pick up can be applied throughout your benching career progression. i see the difficulty in some sort of better enforced cooling limits for comps where a clock speed limit is not possible or irrelevant though (like 3d? or comps which cover multiple chipset/CPU types/core counts etc). its almost in the too hard basket, theres ways around most methods suggested and definitely been ways around the ones being used on this site so far..
  5. submission deleted "Windows 8/10 not allowed for submission because of RTC issue" its windows 7. check the screenshot. no big loss ofc, im not even benching any more, just wanted to give you the heads up edit: cheers mr Ney
  6. but this already had the screens... whatever. hwbot prime is a joke
  7. blocked, seriously? a valid screen is also attached ffs, nothings missing there and its not like the score is out of the league for these clocks, or that its WR material or anything. edit: whatever, i'm about done with benching for the year already anyway BS like this hardly helps with the motivation to return though, but looking through the forums i'm not the only one unhappy with recent moderations. have fun with that.
  8. 3420B747 Costa Rica VID 1.039 4.8ghz 2c2t spi 1m winXP (OS was setup for 1m, cbf changing maxmem) 1.35v / VCCIN 1.94 5G impossibru ambient probably wont bother testing it with LN2 need a good ambient one of these really and already have one that does about the same/better, but with a stronger IMC
  9. yeah, such a frustrating platform.. so i can appreciate how well you've done here. spent a few days with the CPU we eventually subbed with, and felt like we were getting nowhere you'd try something, it would seem to be working but yet 3 hours later you'd give up in frustration and go back to where you were earlier. repeat a dozen times and thats basically how our runs went lol whiskey helped on the second attempt, for sure
  10. drop them alll i want to goto bed lol
  11. well done -- to everyone, everywhere! what a tense final ~2hours! this was probably my favorite stage to watch. so far at least.. such strong scores from the new guys, some scored hardware cups even! great idea having a stage catering just to them, it really brought everyone up to a new level here good luck to all in the last couple rounds
  12. yeah it might be a few sizes small for the dewar lol
  13. yeah lol we have a few guys with these "legit" unrepeatable runs too since this one is still online, apparently thats OK? if so maybe it should be a battle of the bugs? edit: this was sarcasm, for those who take everything literally or those with english as second language/google translate i'll be serious for a moment and tell you what i told our boys on our home forum a short while back;
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