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  1. Will give it another crack tomorrow. If i get anywhere i'll let you know and what profile worked for me.
  2. Im on a 299 dark, 7820x and using 3x reference 3870's in windows 7 and catalyst 13.1 . I had a mess about with the xfire profiles and its got me up to 21xx points stock clock so far. Cheers for the quick response to.
  3. what's the secret sauce to getting all 3 cards actually being utilized properly? i cant get above 1800 points running 3 way. utilization is all over the place between cards aswell.
  4. Can i have my name changed from "(PTP) ShmoeMo" to just "ShmoeMo" please.
  5. Hey there. Do you still have the LN2 pot? also is it the galax version of this one? they look identical. https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/liquid-nitrogen-hardware/bitspower-geforce-rtx-20-series-vga-ln2-pot-bp-vgln2.html
  6. This explains my issue then, bluescreening on install with an ACPI error. Sucks that the kabyx cpus are only quad core
  7. i have tried different drivers and gpuz also reports the card is only going to 500mhz
  8. Hey guys. I recently got a water blocked reference HD 6970 and the issue im having is that the core wont go over 500mhz, even if i set it in afterburner or ccc but the memory does what ever i tell it to do and runs at normal stock frequency of 1375. the only physical issue the card has that i can find is that the vrm temp sensor is munted so it reports a constant 254c to gpuz and 115c (i think) to hwinfo so that tells me the sensor isnt working at all. the card goes between 2d clocks / baseclock and 500mhz fine but wont go over. i have reflashed the card, tried different mobo, used ddu and reinstalled drivers but nothing. is it just a lost cause or do you think i can fix it?
  9. Hey guys, don't know if anyone can help me here but i recently got my hands on a z77 mpower for next to nothing as the seller listed it was unreliable. The only issue i can find as of yet with it is that when the psu mains switch is turned on the board powers up instantly but it doesnt actually boot up till you hit the power button (video below). i Decided to probe between the PS-ON pin and GND of the main 24 pin on the board and i have found there is a 800 ohm short between the 2, i have probed a few other z77 boards and found they are well over 4 meg ohm. does anyone know the circuitry that is responsible for latching the system on once the button is pressed? im hoping its just a bad mosfet or resistor
  10. I assume cpuz has a bug of some sort reporting the cpu name?
  11. just letting you know you have to include a screenshot with cpuz and gpuz in it. like this one https://hwbotstatic.s3.amazonaws.com/img/examples/Unigine%20Superposition%20-%201080P%20Xtreme.png
  12. Nice score bud. Will have to get my 480 back out and have another go :p
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