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OC Nub

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  1. hell of a score for 5ghz, nice job!
  2. in t he words of the great leeghoofd.....screenshot or it never happened. radaja 02-28-2010, 03:10 PM very nice but shouldn't this be posted in the WCing/builds section,and not the intel section. Liquid Cooling Worklogs (Liquid Cooling Worklogs) ChaosAD 02-28-2010, 03:50 PM 4.7Ghz at what Vcore for 67C under Linx? Leeghoofd 02-28-2010, 03:53 PM Screens or it did never happen
  3. nice score, what is your memory configuration, 24gb? i have the Ranger too, highest i can do somewhat stable is 3333mhz
  4. Nice score! Awesome chip on water.
  5. ^ i was thinking the same thing, if you can consistently duplicate the score maybe it is not bugged ? would a bugged run be like one freakishly high score out of many normal scores?
  6. new chip 6700k batch X610B351 testing now on mviii ranger
  7. it did save my oc, i booted up this morning and it loaded my saved profile. when i have balanced power plan set, and i run XTU bench, the score results will show my overclock lower than what it actually is. i am running 4800mhz, but XTU will show around 4530mhz or something like that in the results of the bench score.
  8. i might try the gene board, this sucks for us i guess. thanks for checking into it
  9. im not familiar with the "bugged high score". i installed v6.1.2.9. my overclock is set to 48x100, and windows power plan set to "balanced", the benchmark result in XTU reads the cpu frequency at like 4530mhz, and the score is a little higher than if i set to "performance" mode, where XTU benchmark reads the correct cpu frequency, 4800mhz, but the score is sometimes lower. IDK :\. i know the score fluctuates a little, but XTU's incorrect reading of the cpu frequency when windows power plan is set to balanced makes the score look a lot higher than it should be
  10. is the submission still valid? but at 4700mhz
  11. this is actually at 4700mhz, i had all power savings features enabled in w10x64 and highest cpu frequency shown in XTU was 4430mhz, so i opened up cpuz and ran it and it is actually at 4.7ghz. not sure what to do about this score?
  12. 3333mhz highest stable, a kit of 4x8gb TridentZ 3200c14, and a 4x4gb kit of ripjaws4, 3000c15. much higher and i get 55, even if i loosen timings. idk if its the board or the imc or my settings lol. i am happy with the ranger, great price with lots of features. however, i wanted the gene board but none in stock at the time i bought this.
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