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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. ATI 9000 PRO into 9000 section http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=551129
  2. No FM link ... and the picture doesnt show the type of VGA. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=643878
  3. Thanks for editing so fast Now i'd like my gold and points back http://www.hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=2&teamId=0&userName=&gpu=Radeon+HD+2900+XT+%281224%29&numberOfVideocards=one&cpu=&chipset=&model=&manufacturer=&minScore=&maxScore=&gpuId=1103&cpuId=0&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&offset=0&displayAdvanced=false&countryId=0&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&system=&minTotalPoints=
  4. That's probably a CF score ..... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=648758
  5. There is a point here...yes. If you decide to pull down the above score...maby you should check ALL the scores in his profile. All are PcMark's ... everytime with different Celeron model ... and all of them uploaded manually on-line within 2 days. No futuremark link in any of the scores. http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=7349
  6. You can read the existing topics or open a new topic in one of our local forums. www.overclockers.gr www.thelab.gr www.hwbox.gr It would be more easy to explain in our native language.
  7. No you can't. It's factory locked.
  8. This entry above has not been fixed. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=642959 Bench run @ 640x480 16bit
  9. I fixxed it my self. I uploaded the verification picture. edit The verification image was at a previous forum i used for hwbot The post was modified so the url was lost. http://www.thelab.gr/showthread.php?postid=414556#post414556
  10. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=588457 Prescott 2.8A in 2.8E category http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=627612 P4 Northwood 1.8@1.8 does 73sec pifast Better score than a 1.8@3.1 GHZ I need proof this is a valid hexus pifast version 4.1 result.
  11. Holly Molly ..... 0.63 spi 1M And with a checksum validation http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=632037 Does this guy have other results on the bot too ??
  12. http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=569900 OLD version of superpi without decimal digits This score should be validated as 12.99
  13. 1)This result is from an ATI 9000 PRO It shows clearly in this photo http://images.people.overclockers.ru/71871.jpg It also has a wrong futuremark link. The correct one is below http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8966756 2)This score is correct http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=511147 But to be valid,please add the following Forum post http://www.overclocking-masters.com/forum/hwbot-Classement-Super-PI-1M,p51914.htm#p51914 Screnshot http://112233445566.free.fr/PM740/22.281.jpg Edit please Thanks
  14. Some more links for editing.... 1)http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=559983 Verified by a moderator ....by mistake i believe. The score belongs to a P4 3.0 'E' 2)http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=559973 This screenshot can't verify the result. (just a clockgen picture) ?? It could be any kind of cpu.
  15. Thanks
  16. Are the scores fixed ?
  17. The result below...i believe,belongs to the Celeron 478s 335 section. http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=570425 This one,also...(Family 15 Model 3 Stepping 3) 256kb cache...that's a prescott core...so its a Celeron 335 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=574804 Also,this one is NOT a mobile XP2500+ ...it's a regular Barton XP2500+ http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=506961
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