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  1. I don't remember the specifics of this run, but it was legit. There where issues in CPUz i think for some of the stuff. Its just like the voltages shown by CPUz at the time are also nowhere close to correct. I was pushing somewhere around 2.5volts into it i think. I appreciate you trying to keep things honest though edit - I believe these might of been part of the ECS APU contest runs i did, where things where looked at rather closely during the contest, and I took 2nd place.
  2. Weee that was fun This next months gonna be some serious fun
  3. From my playing around with the trinitys so far it looks like you need a mix of mid to low NB voltages, along with good IMC strength. Though i really haven't put enough chips through my setups yet to build a reliable dataset to prove this. But its a starting point atleast. Since the best IGP numbers generally come from as high of NB frequency as possible.
  4. Let the good times roll, Stack of gigabyte boards, CHECK, Ln2 pots, CHECK... AHHH yeah
  5. Looks like I made all my llano hardware shart itself from the previous contest abuse. (soldering iron and untouchables in hand) gonna have to fix that
  6. Needs more duct tape its like listening to sabaton while benching gives you more MHZ
  7. damn nice submission, now if you just had the clocks that mine has, you'd really be cooking with gas
  8. you should insulate your butter with some bread
  9. Yeah, though this isn't to much higher than i had achieved without it, only about 2mhz more.
  10. It could be a little more extreme at times, you could tell when it froze or was getting close to freezing due to how rapid the boil would get. Otherwise the chip is generally so low powered that its just sipping ln2 most of the time. Only time you really really notice these chip heat up is when you get a 4core + apu load, At that point the temperature and watt load swing quite quickly, from the 130ish-170ish watts to around 350-400ish watts under extremely high clocks.
  11. ran out of ln2 or i would of proably gotten a bit more out of it.
  12. 3870's are not retail available yet, so the fastest option is the a8 3870. Unless you've got some crazy high bclk on one of the e2 or other lesser models of the A8's. This is definitely gonna be fun. This platform is a blast. Good thing I have spent the last 2 weeks messing with this platform
  13. Its taken me long enough to post these pictures. These are the Inspired results of last months (june 2011) hwbot Team contest. A complete and uncontrollable decent into insanity featuring the Fusion E-350 cpu. May god have mercy on its soul. For starters we have Bungie win, Mounting of a single stage Phase change unit to not just the cpu but the bridge chip. 3/4" of 1/8" aluminum stock stacked up to get it to clear the caps. Then stuck together with Arctic silver ceramique' . Well that was fun, but its an amd, and we all know they love ln2 . So a ln2 pot was fashioned out of a ice cream container. Hotglue, and the stock heatsink. With some ducktape and pipe insulation thrown in on the first run for good measure. heres one of the great Bobnova helping me out by pouring. As we made our pcmark 2004 runs to take the first place cup. Which Christian held. Which was like a giant carrot out there infront of me on the end of a fishing pole. The -19c is the temp from under the board underneath the BGA chip. Well that was fun but that day the system eventually got to wet, and bugged out. So we shut it off to be conformal at some point. However the next time Bobnova was over he convinced me we needed to go for the gold in some of the other places. So i drilled a better probe placement hole in the pot. Then fired her up AND KILLED IT, cause the pot leaked :\ However we did get higher cpuz valid wise (which i still haven't submitted, god I am lazy). Good times heres some other pics of the pot off the system. Still somewhat covered in vasoline, and dielectric grease (and looking like the remants of a sex crime).
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