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Posts posted by Antinomy

  1. Thats FSB 100, I am asking for the one with FSB 400Mhz.
    LOL, learn what QPB (quad pumped bus) is.
    No, 1MB L2 Cache is not Gallatin (Gallatin has 2MB of L2 Cache), its still Prestonia,
    Gallatin is Prestonia + L3 cache. L3 stands for Level 3. Both Prestonia and Gallatin have 512KB L2 because they're the same (except L3).

    Gallatin CPUs have from 1MB up to 4MB L3 cache. This is a dead end:

    antinomy is right.

    I've been checking the Xeon categories for several weeks recently making reports and requesting results to be in the proper categories.


    And don't post any ark.intel.com links - this resource is dead dumb and can't be trusted. I've reported errors since they day they've shut down the processorfinder.com (a wonderful resource) - and nothing. Even my friends from Intel couldn't help - no one is interested in fixing errors there.

  2. I think there should be an update to the rules regulating such a case. For GPUs the was a rule that "lower GPU+higher GPU = dual higher GPU". Meaning 4850+4870 = dual 4870. So that it does allow to get some points with two cards without making flaws in the system.


    Maybe we should make "global points only" submissions so you can manually set the core count for mixed submissions but not give any hardware points for them.

  3. Ticket ID: 1704


    Priority: Medium


    http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/xeon_mp_16ghz_foster_1mb_l3/\r\n\r\nMultithread categories look like empty on category page - both single socket or dual socket.\r\nBut if you open rankings and choose 2x core for wPrime 32/1024, PCMark 04/05 you\'ll see them.\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2004/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_2472#start=0#interval=20#cores=2\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_2472#start=0#interval=20#cores=2\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/benchmark/wprime_-_32m/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_2472#start=0#interval=20#cores=2\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/benchmark/wprime_-_1024m/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_2472#start=0#interval=20#cores=2\r\n\r\nAs if the core count for the category was wrong in one place and correct in another. If it\'s not clear enough, I can make screenshots.

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