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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. Christian Ney, nope. Barton runs PCM 04 too
  2. Massman, nice idea. Because 1.1K is very high but 2k is kinda insane. jmke, I'll check, thank you.
  3. I assume they've traced clocks to external PLL instead of integrated. This means that the clockgen pads and contollers (DMI/PCI-E/SRC (SATA)) clock inputs are not connected on die but are output on package pads. It's the easiest explanation. Another one is that QPI controller is in the CPU while all others are in chipset. Then external PLL is used for clocking the CPU while P67 clockgen is used for it's stuff. But the classical placements of the clock generator on the PCB makes me think that the first idea is closer. Time to write a letter to Asrock support begging them to make a right board with external PLL for SB?
  4. What I've been thinking about today is - why can't the CPU be pushed if everything else can? http://www.xfastest.com/cms/tid-55340-5/ - I can see a 200MHz overclocked system on a P67, do you? That's what I was talking about - if this can be done on 1156, why not do on 1155? I thought that the clock were bound inside the chipset, not CPU package. If what you say is true then it's another case and yes, nothing can be done. But...
  5. Massman, what do you name under "Sandy bridge technology"? Can you name the parts that you mean under this? Show be read as: Now Intel has perfect control over FSB, Multiplier and no motherboard can overcome the limitations yet.
  6. Another question - when will we see a motherboard with an external PLL with a normal implementation?
  7. Does anybody know when the vendors are going to produce a mainboard with an external PLL? Maybe the ones who have contacts with engineers might answer this question.
  8. Waiting for AsRock to make the contrary - an LGA1155 board with P55 chipset?
  9. Not the first time to see such stupidness. I've seen photos of AMD K8 (maybe the sellers thought that they're like K7 which had and open die and you could put a sticker or the package). I'd say it's a rather common bug. I've heard about cases when the cooler was glued to CPU (thermal grease - WTF is this? ).
  10. Ты объясни мне только одно - почему ты меняешь постоянно флаг?
  11. Ticket ID: 1148 Priority: Medium Create a Mobility Radeon 9000 IGP category which is a part of RS300M chipset pretty much like Radeon 9000 IGP is a part of RS300.\r\n\r\nAnd rename specs on this category: Radeon 9000 Mobile - it\'s not an integrated chip, only a mobile one, the M9 core.\r\nHere\'s an example of a really Mobility Radeon 9000 IGP: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1084575_wegetti_3dmark03_radeon_9000_mobile_408_marks\r\n\r\nIt has half the number of pipelines so it\'s much slower than discrete 9000 Mobile.
  12. Hey, be careful, we might have to say good bye to you for telling such secret info
  13. Nah, the guy's too young to be MM
  14. First of all, everything in history that is about subzero should definitely be saved. How it all started. The easiest are videos - store them as is. As for articles, it might be interesting to keep them as is too - the whole page - it's design, how the author described the process and results - are parts of the history. It's really nostalgic to take another look on Holicho's page for example. So we can collect pages as they are and then make a machine translation (Google). If someone knows the language the original page is written in and knows English (might be even more important than the first one ) then he might make a reply about mistakes/corrections. So the output can be done as a frame with the original page. An exception should be made for results that were in text only without any formatting and so on. Or forum posts. They should use the HWBot style (or maybe special style for history section yet staying in harmony with General HWBot style. For example, add ASCII pics there ). Something to start from...
  15. So what and in what form will this section contain? I mean - yes, there were interesting clocks and worklogs at that time. But how far (wide) should we go in collecting data? Only records or benchmarks, mods and other stuff too?
  16. Wow, Massman wrote me a PM Upcoming New Year is nothing compared to this I'm in. Where can we discuss the site format? I mean - what will be collected and how it will be stored (copying the old pages, republishing using HWBot page&text format) and so on. All such stuff.
  17. Nope, not homemade. All M0 stepping and the latter D1 ones have this package, it's normal.
  18. Usually hardware isn't so easy to kill. The only exception is the BIOS on Gigabyte boards that can die without any reason
  19. Clear CMOS. Appears that your CPU has a locked multiplier and no boot is one of the way the system acts when you try to change the multiplier. The other is - ignores and loads with it's default.
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