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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. The new region name isn't as common as the old one - simple and clear The Commonwealth of independate countries doesn't have an abbeviatura that everybody knows. It's not about politics, it's about the region were people live. Though, technically you are absolutely right.
  2. Tie him up or he'll wait for a moment a run to the keyboard Or lock the doors (and windows) and shut internet connection. Hope he can have a good rest with friends.
  3. I've already asked, maybe inprecise. http://hwbot.org/cewolf/;jsessionid=F79547FCC6CDD8592B1BFE1AC946E240?img=195963633&width=600&height=180&iehack=.png - is this what you mean? The overclock based on cooling chart?
  4. Well, I was talking not only about modded BIOS but wider - an overview of the board it's overclocking fame or "unfame" and so on. The differences between boards of same manufacturer and same chipset. DX support and 3D capabilities for old cards, tech info. It's a tough one for the crew but easy enough for the community. If you accept this consideration, of course. Besides I've got the NOA BIOS for Asus P3B-F. Maybe make a thread for the hardware page additions?
  5. If it would still be locked, I couldn't submit results, could I? Sent you a PM.
  6. Scotty knows this board maybe better than the constitution. I hope he makes an overview. How about making a more detailed specs page using the community power? We can easily beat Wikipedia in means of hardware articles Even attach fotos of hardware some of which is very hard to find, but the members do have it.
  7. Thank you in advance I've waited for about ten days for your respond and then send an e-mail to Massman.
  8. Almost - I just have GMT +10 so I can read the forum during morning coffee while you work hardly at night P.S. Reminder: fix my site account please I can't login normally.
  9. You mean the average core overclock chart? Or that's the old one and I haven't been seeking videocard results for ages?
  10. Nice one, K404. There's one more issue - there are members and even teams that get hardware from a shop where one of the members works or his friend does. They bench it and give back. Yes, it's not the case when it's free and you can burn it with no worry, but a team that can take ten GTX480 and ten 5870 and bench them on a top test bed can perform definetely better than the ones that buy stuff from their pocket. And it's unreal to trace this out
  11. I began explaining this but then thought that TiN definetely has written this kind of stuff, so I just added a quote
  12. I think he means whether they are allowed at HWBot. And the answer is yes. The only thing the mod does is override the SLI blocking depending on devID of the chipset
  13. Well done, Mr. Scott! I see the RAMbooster as well
  14. I don't see any problems, maybe only a problem with imagination. You can find a thinner pot, you can replace the caps with solid one - they have less height. And you can resolder the caps to the back of the MoBo so they don't bother at all. But don't mess up with the polarity.
  15. I didn't say - do it, I said - kick smbd to do it I've gotta remind them too about my problem.
  16. If he won't be so lazy and kicks smbd to combine two categories and delete the one that doesn't really exist, he would get enough boints a week ago. But GraduS won't give up so easily, Evgeniy is a maniac
  17. Yep, totally agree. Manufacturer support is like a BFG against others. Maybe even a BFG combined with a quad damage.
  18. What if a BIOS mod was done by yourself or for someone personally, from a more experienced guy? I don't see anything in using tricks that others don't know. If only the ways they were achieved are unequal - for example when a guy gets a special NDA BIOS or smth.
  19. I've heard that reason definetely more than twice. I've gotta go and transfer some money. And I must not forget about this Will be waiting for this.
  20. I've got another idea (if you're tired of them, let me know or I won't stop ). The clue is how many boints you can get with a certain testbed or piece of hardware. For example, I've got a good platform for socket 939 and want to check, how many boints I can achieve. I select CPU categories and get a list of records and boints for them. A summarize for each category would be nice. Of course, an application selection should be made besides the CPU one. For example, I've got good hardware for PCMark and can make a good challenge there, but have nothing to do in the rest because of the cooling. And there should be an overall search without defining the CPU (GPU). I've got a PCMark or CPU-Z testbed and want to look how many boints can I get, what CPUs to look for first and what score must I achieve. The navigation became more complicated with the tabs (i.e. the default tabs being chosen) so it pushed me on this one. Another addition to this feature is to make a wider selection. For example, you see a record you are unable to beat this time. So you either skip the entry and the page shows you the next record (the boints are recalculated) or it shows the next 2-4 results (places 3-5 first places) to check a beatable one. This thing can be used not only as a calculator but as a schedule too
  21. Stop showing us a Duron we all know that Duron have (and maybe all of them) a free multiplier so changing it is a piece of cake. You can show no validations and videos on them. The Semprons is far more interesting. So I agree about closing the subject until you show us the same thing but with Sempron. Is that clearly written? Not Duron, Athlon, AthlonXP - the Sempron is the subject of interest. If you manage to show us validation and a video, you can make a photo of the modification to show us noobs some street magic
  22. The combination of versions of spi and OS makes me funny
  23. Why not go into your profile settings and select "No team"? In my opinion engrowing the number of empty teams is not a good solution.
  24. Hello, I would like to suggest some changes in links so it would be better to browse through the site. Country links like http://hwbot.org/community/country/russian%20federation should lead to either http://hwbot.org/community/country/russian_federation/overclocker or http://hwbot.org/community/country/russian_federation/team at least this should be done on the main page - the country block and the page of country rankings http://hwbot.org/rankings/country/ Because everytime you look the country list then want to see detalized on overclockers or teams of the specific country click the one you chose and see the same list again with the only difference that the country is highlighted. And the CPU categories. The video is nice - when you click on the category link you go right to 3D that are viewed most frequently. But as for the CPU - you go to the info. It's interesting to look at it one, two and three times. But not each time to want to check the results. So it would be nice if the link would lead to 2D rankings cause it's the most popular target. Got more but don't remember atm. Thank you.
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