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Everything posted by RomanLV

  1. Please add: 6800 nv40 128bit AIW 9000 AIW Rage 128 3Dlabs Permelia 2V TNT2 M64 8Mb (16&32 has already) Separate (add 8Mb versions): Riva TNT Riva TNT2 M64 Vanta Thanks
  2. For unlocked - individual category? :shock: Then why no "unlocked categories" 6800, 6800XT, X800Pro, X850Pro, HD6850, HD6950? And many-many others. Processors Applebread, Thorton... Not fair somehow...
  3. It`s not 6200 - it`s 6600 with modified ID. Non-existent videocard!!!
  4. JunkDogg On one side you are right. But on the other... let me escape to urgently look for the motherboard (and the CPU) on which CPU-Z shows a 1.0 instead of 1.5 until output new version (joke) How better to do I do not know, but obviously impossible results better do not accept.
  5. Thank By the way, there is an incorrect database. Socket3 are not only AMD. Moreover (I posted above) - names 80*** have just intel. AMD have names Am*** , Cyrix - Cx*** Administration - can fix it in the database?
  6. Oh, one more question. CPU-Z incorrectly displays the frequency (multiplier). http://i.piccy.info/i9/8a0b1e1da261f6a8213ed56f555473eb/1438103081/160756/463814/111111111.jpg (real multiplier (of jumpers and in bios) - 1.5x) What to do in this case?
  7. CPU CHALLENGE - SuperPI 1M 80486 2 questions: 1. "80486 family" means that the use of only the processor "intel" ((AMD, Cyrix have names Am486 Cx486), that is the logic of "486 series" but not "80486 series" 2 If it is not only intel - is allowed 5x86 processor? (this the fourth generation processors too)
  8. CPU-Z mustdie! at me show 2.0 instead of 1.5 http://i.piccy.info/i9/8a0b1e1da261f6a8213ed56f555473eb/1438103081/160756/463814/111111111.jpg And it was not the first time when incorrectly shows
  9. Stage 1 - Aquamark3 Lowest Score Comrades, write the normal aquamark scheduler or please to be blo humanly send screenshots. "Invalid data file: Unable to parse the datafile" - tired This is bearable when the test is a few minutes. But then he goes day and get this garbage Lose the desire to participate
  10. Please add Geforce 6800 AGP 128bit(or any nv40 & 128 bit). http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121216 Better just in case all nv40 & 128 bit (DDR1/2/3, XT/GS/GT...)
  11. Sorry, incorrect link. here http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/9339/NSC/TMS417409ADJ-60.html
  12. It`s EDO, not FPM. http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tm893gbk32i.pdf
  13. Discussions have not seen. The reason I ask - not all know how to distinguish EDO and FPM (or pretend they do not know;)). And if the program does not distinguish - people will start sending everything. PS Memory modules are visually identical and differ only in the markings of chips (AFAIK). And there are motherboards that work with any modules.
  14. Clarification. Memory FPM only or EDO too? CPU-Z FPM already recognize? (old (as I remember) did not recognize)
  15. As you run 3D Mark on 1024*768 32/32bit ? It's real to 8MB of video memory?
  16. Tell to me please in what category to place results. Desirable link
  17. PSPS http://images.people.overclockers.ru/174397.png
  18. ps http://images.people.overclockers.ru/174399.png
  19. 6200TC... with the size of memory a a disorder! *ховайся в жито* 6200 with GPU G92 to you too will approach? Now shall make! )))))
  20. Really? Yes, I understand characteristics in GPU-Z. But I think them do not understand those who creates categories For example all the same 6200 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=781229 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=703003 What result correct? Both? Any? Videocards(videomaps) differ 1. The interface 2. GPU 3. RAM 4. To taste - as manufacturers have called a mutant (for example IMHO 6600DDR3 = 6600GT, but there can be 2 categories) This information should or to be reflected precisely in the name (that it was possible to compare to characteristics on a site of the manufacturer), or is NORMAL is explained if the category is thought up specially on THIS site. IMHO. If not agree - state other offers
  21. I look a category 6200А and I shall not understand that this such. a) GPU nv43+HSI and DDR1 b) GPU nv43+HSI and DDR2 c) GPU nv44+HSI and DDR3 d) GPU nv44+HSI and DR1 e) GPU nv44+HSI and DDR2 f) GPU nv44+HSI and DDR3 g) GPU nv43 and DDR1 h) GPU nv43 and DDR2 i) GPU nv44 and DDR3 j) GPU nv44 Dand DR1 k) GPU nv44 and DDR2 l) GPU nv44 and DDR3 WHAT? And such everywhere! Constantly I do not know where to send result You can normally name categories or make a manual where will be explained that mean yours (or whose?) inventions?!!
  22. Fine! And now it is necessary to change categories, in conformity with specifications! (To remove unnecessary and to add lacking). ALL CATEGORIES!!! PS For those who don't know the specifications - the majority of processors can be found for example here - http://www.overclockers.com.ua/cpu/info/. And videocards and their specifications here - http://www.overclockers.com.ua/video/gpu/ .
  23. I understand it, but I can save the first Paint and the second then to make on other computer. IMHO akvamark hardware it is possible to look most correctly only in other categories (3D marks) PS but ok, it's offtopik here. Topic not about it.
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