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Everything posted by Micka

  1. bump.. I am facing account issue of paypal, will update account address...
  2. bump. I have a chance to test some of them as the temp go down a little bit these days. some kits I picked can easily do spi 32m@4166c12 with waza. screenshot updated.
  3. Bump. Temp got colder last night and I tested #4 and #10. They successfully passed waza pi @4166 12-12-12 on OCF M. Not bad...Will upload screenshot accordingly later.
  4. Micka

    [FS] sold out

  5. Hello all, I am selling some kits leveraging Samsung B Die. Details are as below, price plus shipping and paypal fee. All tests are done with air cooling. Under lower temperature the kits may perform better but I don't have enough time to test them(and temp here keeps above 20℃ all year long which stopped me from testing them...) Items are in China, don't know how much it will cost to ship international, but should be a little bit more expensive compared with the cost shipping from EU and US. Tell me your zipcode and I will check the shipping cost. Screenshots are as below. I tested them with different MBs (M9 Apex, M10 Apex and OCF M) and systems(XP, Windows 7, Windows 10) but the results should be similar. #1. G.Skill 3600C16 TZ #2. G.Skill 3600C16 TZ #4. G.Skill 4600C19 TZ #5. Galax OC Lab 2016 version, SN#005 #6. Galax OC Lab 2016 version, SN#046 #7. Galax OC Lab 2016 version, SN#069 #8. Galax OC Lab 2017 version, SN#010 #9. Galax OC Lab 2017 version, SN#045 #10. Galax GOC 2016 Edition #11. Galax OC Lab 4400 Edition with black heatsink
  6. Micka

    [FS] sold out

    update galax-board
  7. you got pm
  8. Kingpin TEK-9 FAT is ok?
  9. Micka

    [FS] sold out

  10. Micka

    [FS] sold out

  11. I remember that I have installed a new driver by usb disk,one time driver is didn‘t work,maybe I was wrong choice old driver in ssd. I use GUI v2.6.6174 64 and sysinfo 5.14.693,This can prove that I did not test before October 11. I finally said, I respect any decision made by the organizing committee.
  12. Micka

    [FS] sold out

  13. Micka

    [FS] sold out

  14. I have been running the entire test,I just hope to make the final decision earlier.
  15. I have no other comments,I hope that the final decision as soon as possible.
  16. Micka

    [FS] sold out

    update add tek-9 fat
  17. Micka


    DO not talking, the game started.
  18. I I think many people have bought more than two kits,Why limit their use?
  19. Stage 4: 3DMark TimeSpy Extreme, GPU score only Stage 5: 3DMark TimeSpy, GPU score only We just need run GT1 and GT2 or need complete the entire test?
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