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Everything posted by Micka

  1. Micka

    [FS] sold out

    update Galax Memory pot
  2. Micka

    (sale out)

    update TEK-9 SLIM
  3. Micka

    [FS] sold out

  4. Micka

    (sale out)

  5. Micka

    (sale out)

    sale out
  6. Micka

    [FS] sold out

    sold out!
  7. Micka

    (sale out)

    sale out.....
  8. but I like use 32bit cpu-z in my 64bit os,haha
  9. pi32m in Z370?,where is xp ? I just see Hicookie do it at GBT oc lab
  10. haha, ln2 in beijing is so cheap,2rmb/L..... You should go there
  11. I mean is GOC edition,how to get the pack
  12. how to get oc pack about 1080ti HOF retail
  13. 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
  14. what about Reference Clock? let ‘s go to find x48 or p45?
  15. Hi Ney what about xeon and 2 or more cpus mainboard? is allowed? I don‘t see any rules to limit cpu model and numbers
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