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8 Pack

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Everything posted by 8 Pack

  1. I actually prefer Dark I think. Its close. Going to test more this weekend with XTPooooooo!!
  2. If these sticks have never been retail is this allowed?? Similar to ES CPU which is not allowed in these contests??
  3. Excellent RAM clock Splave lad. Now how is the biceps training going???
  4. LOL!! at the Splave master. Taking tips from lamb bo are we??
  5. Its working on all the machines now Pieter. Had to run full windows update.
  6. All of them are hooked up and all are Win 7 Pro. MB from variety of manufacturers.
  7. Yeah it installs MEI mate. Still not working here using install from work. Interestingly none of the PC in the tech dept got it to work yesterday when I tried!! All fresh installs on brand new boxes.
  8. Trying again now fingers crossed!! Super Pi and Pifast seem to be abit easier to get working
  9. Which updates?? I downloaded all from WIndows update as Sniper Oz said this helped him. Still samne error. Mike if you get it going let me know how. Six hours now wasted and still no go. Intel need to sort this!! Its on pro cup and the HyperX Kingston comp which is only on for four weeks gives them very little time. Maybe change Pro Oc to a bench that works?? Cine or similar??? I just tried on daily rig!! Same error. I am going to try at work tomorrow also.
  10. Tried that mate. Now spent six hours on this. Fresh install. Only LAN driver, VGA and Chipset. Windows Update enabled as this is what fixed Sniper Oz's problems. Reinstalled tried withy only LAn, Reinstalled tried with all updates enabled. CPU is stock memory is at 1333mhz and the system is totally stable I tested with Prime and Linx for abit just to see.
  11. When you click on the benchmark button. Error benchmark cant be run and repeat amd repeat and repeat!! New install same again!!
  12. Which version currently works?? and we can post scores with, because this pile of junk certainly does not. Two fresh installs new drivers etc including LAN not working!!! Such software for pro cup!! Oh dear me!!!
  13. XTU is not working at all for me. The latest version. Can you guys who have it working let us know if you have to be connected to the web each and every time you bench??? I just get error!!!
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