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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Yeah...I'm 1/2 dummy, 1/2 bright...rubbed 2 braincells together and got a little spark hehe but...yeah...looking back, it should be kinda self-explanatory
  2. 1) From the main site (hwbot.org), log in and select the "My Account" icon in the upper-left of the screen. 2) Scroll about 1/2 way down the page until you reach the "Signature" section (on the right) 3) Select either "Create or Modify Signature" or "Choose another signature" 4) If you click "Choose another signature", you'll find signatures from other members of your team as well as a number of hwbot 'standard' sigs 5) Click "Choose" to use one of the signatures or click "Modify or delete" to modify or delete that sig (Modify or delete takes users to the same screen as if they'd selected "Create or modify signature" in step 2). 6) If you selected "Create or Modify Signature" in step 2 or "Modify or delete" in step 5, create/modify or delete your sig
  3. woohoo! Got it Thanks you two!
  4. Thanks folks! TheMadDutchDude- This is what it shows there for me: [*url=http://hwbot.org/user/funsoul/][*img]http://hwbot.org/signature/u42227.png[/img][/url] Seems correct but, as you can tell, not showing anything Don_Dan- I'm not seeing where you mean...can't find anything on the front page that says "Signature"
  5. Hi Folks Tired of seeing a broken link in my sig...how do I get it working? Pretty sure I screwed up by having a different nick here (scbesterman) than the regular site (funsoul). Any ideas? tia! PS- Hmmm...is it possible to change my nick here to funsoul AND get the sig working, too?
  6. funsoul

    [EU] i3 4370

    I was only able to pull 539 xtu or I'd offer you mine. Think you're looking for something better?
  7. Hi Folks Hoping to find a solid chip to run under cascade for 3D's. Ideally, a 4930k that'll run 3D's at 5.9GHz (or faster) or a 4960x that'll do 3D's at 5.7GHz (or faster). If you have one you wouldn't mind selling, please let me know here or via pm. Thanks so much (and happy 2015!) -Stefan (aka funsoul)
  8. Awesome job dejo!!!!
  9. You're on fire dude! Great overclocking work and outstanding subs!!!
  10. Any ETA for availability to the public? Would definitely love one of these!
  11. Awesome. Thank you folks. Was hoping for the nice, pre-made cables with connectors but these look pretty straightforward(-ish). Just need to look up the connection points for the various cards. Much appreciated!
  12. *Please note, due to work and other obligations, I can only ship on Saturdays.* Hi Folks Selling this 4960x as it's not meeting my needs. Bought it used and ran it under water only. It runs at at 4.6GHz with 1.265v (superpi32) to 1.280v (prime95). Was able to run it at all straps including 190bclk using the profile on the rivbe. Warranty is good through October 17, 2017. Looking for $635 including priority shipping to US48. Paypal accepted. Can ship overseas but shipping would be in addition to the selling price. Would be interested in a trade+cash deal for a monster 4930k that can run at -100C. SOLD FOR $625. Thread can be moved to closed. Thanks for the space hwbot!
  13. Anyone have any of the vga hotwire cables (with the connectors at both ends) laying around that they wouldn't mind selling?
  14. Hi Folks Closed my other thread as I'm down to the 3 nice benching chips and 1 set of ram. *Can only ship on Saturdays. If that's an issue, please don't read onward* Interested in a trade involving a 1200watt (or stronger), top-notch psu and/or an i3-4370. Getting rid of some stuff to help offset other hardware expenses. Everything is tested and, of course, guaranteed against DOA. Prices include shipping to US48. Am fine sending stuff overseas but the shipping cost would be in addition to any agreed price. heatware: http://heatware.com/eval.php?id=84580 q6600- $80- Definitely a fast chip! Was good enough for 2nd place in wprime32. Search hwbot for other subs with this cpu (username=funsoul). Ran it under cascade for roughly 16 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. e8400 #1- $35- Decent benching chip for ambient overclockers. Validated over 5.7GHz, longer 2d's ran at 5.4. Does 5.17 under 1.4v. Ran it under cascade for roughly 8 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. e4700- $25- Nice overclocker..validated at 5.3GHz, 1st place in wprime, cinebench and hwbot prime. Search hwbot for other subs with this cpu. Ran it under cascade for roughly 10 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. Mushkin Redline 993999 (2x4GB)- $75 Decent pair of sticks. ddr3-1600, 7-8-7-24 http://www.memory4less.com/m4l_itemd...mid=1464160695 Take all 3 cpus for $125. Take all 3 cpus plus the ram for $175. http://s8.postimg.org/e1zceqln9/q6600.jpg http://postimg.org/image/6esj2d7gv/1d265eac/ http://s11.postimg.org/b3y24ojxf/q6600_wp32_8_171.jpg http://s2.postimg.org/w2vbzqpo9/e8400_528.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/9w48g728j/e8400_cpuz_5776_96.jpg http://s13.postimg.org/z58cjnfif/e4700.jpg http://postimg.org/image/ydjf26ddl/31542838/ http://s28.postimg.org/g9kzva531/mushkin2133.jpg
  15. q9550, e8500 and e8400#2 sold
  16. bump.. also...am looking for a 1200watt or better psu and/or an i3-4370 to be part of a potential trade.
  17. Geils now sold. 3930k now sold
  18. Killed my rive last night so need this stuff gone. Big price drops on all items. Would be interested in rive black edition if you're interested in working out a deal.
  19. Hi Folks *Can only ship on Saturdays. If that's an issue, please don't read onward* UPDATE: Interested in a trade involving a 1200watt (or stronger), top-notch psu and/or an i3-4370. Getting rid of some stuff to help offset other hardware expenses. Everything is tested and, of course, guaranteed against DOA. If you get more than one item, we can work out a discount. Prices include shipping to US48. Am fine sending stuff overseas but the shipping cost would be in addition to any agreed price. heatware: http://heatware.com/eval.php?id=84580 q6600- $80- Definitely a fast chip! Was good enough for 2nd place in wprime32. Search hwbot for other subs with this cpu. Ran it under cascade for roughly 16 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. e8400 #1- $35- Decent benching chip for ambient overclockers. Validated over 5.7GHz, longer 2d's ran at 5.4. Does 5.17 under 1.4v. Ran it under cascade for roughly 8 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. e4700- $25- Nice overclocker..validated at 5.3GHz, 1st place in wprime, cinebench and hwbot prime. Search hwbot for other subs with this cpu. Ran it under cascade for roughly 10 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. Mushkin Redline 993999 (2x4GB)- $75 Decent pair of sticks. ddr3-1600, 7-8-7-24 http://www.memory4less.com/m4l_itemdetail.aspx?itemid=1464160695 3930k- $275. SOLD at TPU- Had this running at 5.4GHz but ymmv. Has cb/cbb at somewhere between -50C and -100C. Ran it under ss without issue, wouldn't post under cascade. Ran it under ss for roughly 5 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). q9550- $40- SOLD at TPU- Never ran this one as I've got a known better chip. No idea of prior history (I bought it used). e8400 #2- $15- SOLD at TPU- Runs no problem, overclocks ok (not anything like #1) but a fine chip. Ran it under cascade for roughly 2 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. e8500- $25- SOLD at TPU- Runs no problem, overclocks ok but nothing great. Ran it under cascade for roughly 5 hours, no idea of prior history (I bought it used). As always, ymmv. Geil Evo2 2000 C6 (2x2GB)- $110. SOLD at OCF. Some nice benching sticks. ddr3-2000, 6-9-6-24 http://www.geil.com.tw/products/showSpec/id/249 pics: http://s14.postimg.org/ip2gs1qch/3930k.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/e1zceqln9/q6600.jpg http://postimg.org/image/6esj2d7gv/1d265eac/ http://s11.postimg.org/b3y24ojxf/q6600_wp32_8_171.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/nx4wvftu3/q9550.jpg http://s2.postimg.org/w2vbzqpo9/e8400_528.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/9w48g728j/e8400_cpuz_5776_96.jpg http://s2.postimg.org/rrbboh855/e8400_537.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/j7ddb8nct/e8500.jpg http://s13.postimg.org/z58cjnfif/e4700.jpg http://postimg.org/image/ydjf26ddl/31542838/ http://s28.postimg.org/hi8vgwx19/geil2000.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/g9kzva531/mushkin2133.jpg
  20. funsoul

    Part out....

    Thanks ObscureParadox Yeah...I definitely remember the time sinks known as kids hehe Nothing urgent...just thinking about buying some of his FS items. Am sure he'll pop by at some point.
  21. funsoul

    Part out....

    Anyone seen or heard from OP? Hasn't responded here or to my pm.
  22. Woohooo!!! Great job man! You're on fire!
  23. funsoul

    Part out....

    4960x - £600 - Tested by Pack and ran 3d etc at 6.05ghz@1.65v, 4.9Ghz@1.4v on ambient. Retail/boxed Any screenshots/subs/results at 1.6-1.65v? Any idea of cb/cbb or optimal temp? Would run this under cascade at ~-100C.
  24. Pm sent for ocz flex
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