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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Awesome! Anything any of you could do to drive traffic, get more people involved, help with vendors and sponsors, help figure out how to do this right, etc, etc, etc would be HUGELY appreciated! Since Harrisburg is in Witchyland, going to try to ask for his help on identifying a venue and making arrangements for ln2. I've never done anything like this before so am learning as we go...if anyone with experience would be willing to provide guidance, help, support, etc that'd also be excellent. This is a party by all of us, for all of us so let's try to do this thing right! Speaking of which...I messed up the poll Sent a pm to Massman asking how/if it can be fixed. Think the following options would be better than the ones I put in: July 23, 24- Will definitely attend July 23, 24- Maybe attend September 24, 25- Will definitely attend September 24, 25- Maybe attend Either weekend works, July preferred- Will definitely attend Either weekend works, July preferred- Maybe attend Either weekend works, Sept preferred- Will definitely attend Either weekend works, Sept preferred- Maybe attend Won't be able to make it Hopefully the poll can be fixed without resetting the whole thing or thread. Apologies for the screw-up (also apologies to Massman as the choices are different than what I pm'd him this morning).
  2. Hi Folks! Thinking it's about time for a nice Northeast LN2 get-together/party and you're all invited!! * Due to an issue with the original poll, we had to create this new thread. For now we're trying to get an estimate of the number of attendees. Formal sign-ups will begin when we have more info. Please cast your votes as soon as possible as we need to leave time to make all the needed arrangements. We're hoping to close the poll at the end of April. Apologies to those of you that already voted. * The event should be lots of fun! Meet old and new friends, put faces to the nicks, learn from those with more experience (have people to share the misery if you blow something up), bench like crazy and, am sure, down at least a couple beers together. Everyone from monster benchers to noobs, vendors and just regular folks curious about this hobby of ours' are welcomed. Most specifics are still TBD but wanted to float the thought with plenty of advance notice. Once we have an idea of how many people might be interested in attending, we'll start researching, identify venues/hotels (with plenty of power for our needs), arrange for enough LN2 to go around and determine actual costs. We're also seeking vendors to come and demo their latest and greatest products as well as any potential sponsors. If any of you have contacts and be willing to try to get them on-board, that'd be awesome. When: July 23, 24 (preferred) or September 24, 25 (backup). Where: Harrisburg, PA area If you're interested, please take the poll and/or reply in this thread. Will keep you updated on any details or related info as things progress. The more the merrier ihmo so hopefully we can get a good crowd together. If you have any questions or thoughts, please don't hesitate to post here or reach out to me directly at scbesterman@NOSPAMhotmail.com. Since this event is open to all including people who've never gone cold, we're looking for folks who'd be willing to provide extra pots for lending to any new people who may not already have them. If you've got something you'd feel ok lending, please let me know. Look forward to seeing you all there and stay tuned for updates!!!! Very kind regards, -Stefan
  3. Thanks d00d! Getting there and will definitely keep trying!
  4. Yvw! Been looking to try one of your cards for ages. Excited to give this one a go!
  5. pm sent
  6. Thanks guys. Ya'll are awesome. Will tool around more this week then refill the dewar on Friday. Hopefully Sunday I'll have time to really go at it.
  7. At least is getting some use Seriously, though...thank you again man. Awesome to have such a nice chip to play with!
  8. Thanks Alby! Yeah man....definitely enjoying the cpu so far. Wasn't pushing, was just trying to get the hang of how the chip runs. Will definitely give it another go (incl. getting my ram running properly).
  9. funsoul

    SS, Pots and dewar

    Can't believe that ss is still here. Great build and excellent price. Bump for a real good guy
  10. Make sure to take a lot of photos!!! If it works for you, I may try the same thing.
  11. funsoul


    If I had one would definitely hook you up but, unfortunately, it's a nice, tiny paperweight at this point.
  12. Chip found
  13. Hi Folks Looking for a strong 4930k that can pass the intensive 2D's (xtu, cine, etc) at 6-6.1 GHz or higher. Tia for any leads!
  14. Glad you got 2666 working! GLWS!
  15. Thanks Massman!
  16. Hi Folks! Just got a ram pot and hoping to give it a try sometime this week. Since I've never done it before, would appreciate any guides, tips, thoughts, etc to make sure everything's insulated properly, get the cold ram dialed in quickly, etc, etc. From pics, I see that folks wrap the main power connector with shamwow or thick shop towels. Wondering...should I put electrical tape around the power connection and then wrap it in sham? Figure for the first attempt, I'll put the g3258 under water. Have some decent psc sticks that do 2666 tight with 1.80 (stick 2)-1.82v (stick 1). Looking at what others have done, I should target 6-10-6? No idea what subtimings I should go for...Mr Bullant's posted some magnificent stuff but not sure it'd be reasonable for me to expect the same as what he's done. Appreciate any guidance, links, tips, etc! tia! -Stefan Update: Found these vids from Dinos22 but would love to find content for the z97ocf/psc setup:
  17. Any mods alive? Can we do name changes or ?
  18. Add me to the list of those looking.
  19. Hi Folks! Looking for a NB pot for my rex. Would definitely prefer one that'll also work on other boards. Tia! -Stefan
  20. Yes I did but with no bad intention. When he hadn't taken the sticks after a few days I pm'd the seller with my offer of EUR350+shipping. He gave me a shipping price, I agreed and sent the cash. Originally was going to pass on these sticks (I've got some kingston hypers that are ok...just ok, though) which is why I posted the heads up here for Gigelz. Then figured if he wasn't going to buy them, that I would. Caught me off guard when he posted that he was buying them as I already had something going with the seller at that point. Replied to Gigelz pm in hopes of working something out amongst the 3 of us but seems like that's not happening. I feel bad about it but can't do anything about it at this juncture unless blabla wants to send me back my cash. I sent blabla a message asking if he would be ok returning my cash and selling the sticks to Gigelz instead. It's now in blabla and Gigelz hands, I'm fine either way. Again...I'm the one that originally informed Gigelz that the sticks he'd been looking for were actually for sale here....if I wanted them that badly for myself, I wouldn't have bothered letting him know.
  21. ~88/stick is real steep but since you've been looking so long, wanted to point them out to you.
  22. didn't work out with blabla?
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