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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. You're awesome! Tia for lugging it all! Everyone else have everything they need? How many people other than aerotracks need a monitor?
  2. Hiya Moritz! Oohh...that reminds me, need to get a few more cans for my torch. Will make sure to pack an extra crappy fan just for you hehe Thermoses....hmmm....I've got 1 or 2 of the ones hwbot gave us a couple years ago, will bring whatever I find along, too. Update- only have 1 slim pot. yosarian will be using it during the weekend but whoever wants to buy it at the end, we'll figure something out. Do have an extra fat pot or 2...anyone need one?
  3. Lol....PERFECT! Thanks matty!
  4. Anyone bringin' vaseline and a brush or 2?
  5. Oooohh...just a few days until we descend on Harrisburg!!! Spoke with our ln2 rep, we're good to go for tank delivery early Friday morning. Slowly getting things tested, packed and ready to go. Debating on whether or not to lug the cascade along, though. Are there any attendees who might be interested in buying it? As I typed before, this was built by NoL with high load handling in mind. Have mounts for both cpus and gpus (bartx's gpu mounting kit included). Here are a few pics from a no load test. If anyone's interested, please let me know otherwise will leave it home. Tia! Look forward to seeing old friends and new!!! Hoping to arrive around 5 or 6 Thursday. Likely just meet and greets, set ups and beverages at the bar. SO excited now!!! -Stefan update- double checked, I overstated the load capacity. The cascade handles 350watts sustained, 400watts burst (like shorter benches).
  6. He makes vga mounting kits that can be use on any ss/cascade/etc. I've got one for my cascade (which I'll be putting up for sale in the next month or so)..
  7. Cool...thanks mon! I'll bring an extra slim for ya'
  8. Just spoke with the GM at the venue, we have 5 (out of 10) rooms booked atm. After a bit of begging, she's let me/us off the hook for the remaining rooms (hallelujah hehe). All held but un-booked rooms have now been returned to the hotel's queue. If you still need a room, you should book it now. Also...since it seems I mis-counted, I'd kindly ask that all attendees who have reserved rooms to let me know the name each room is booked under so I can reconcile with the hotel. Finally going to start getting gear together, setting up benching drives, etc. Probably spend Friday on set up tasks but at least I'll be there!!!!
  9. Thinking $175 for the smaller one, $250 for the larger one. Both are in great condition. I'll be bringing both anyway so you can check them out
  10. Awesome ya'll! Extension cords and extra outlets will be useful. I'll bring a couple extra usb kbds/mice, 2 dewars, 1-2 extra monitors, slim pot for yos....anything else? On the 'bring stuff to sell' thing.....are any attendees actually looking for anything? Just checking as am trying not to bring n^x more stuff than needed (for the 4th year in a row ) cyas next week!!
  11. heya richiec77! It's been tuned for higher loads. I'll have to double-check with NoL but, iirc, it handles up around 475-500 watts sustained, 550 burst. Stage 2 pulldown, once it grabs (less than a minute from turning it on), is super fast. Idles with no load around -98C, runs load at around -92C. Moritz/others- I've got extra stuff I could bring along, too if needed.
  12. No charge for day trippers and ln2 monkeys! Come on down Duke!!!
  13. If people want to post or pm with things they'd like to sell at the party, I'll add everything to the original post.
  14. Hi folks! Ohhh oooh....getting close now! Hoping to have time to actually get stuff all ready to go but seems it's always like that for me. hehe yosarianilives- I'll have a slim you can use. Also...As we're in the process of selling the house, have to downsize things a bit over here. I'll be bringing some stuff along that I wouldn't mind selling. Atm...thinking 1 or 2 dewars (35L and 20L), a bunch of vgas (1080ti's, gtx680's, 7970's + others), couple fat and slim gpu pots, maybe some nice ddr2 and ddr3.. If anyone's looking for something in particular, let me know and I'll see what I've got. If anyone is seriously interested in my high load cascade (built by NoL), get in touch. I could bring it and you could test it at the party. PS...if my count is correct, looks like we've only booked 4 rooms? I'll call the hotel to confirm the count and see how much wiggle room they can give me/us (they were expecting 10 ).
  15. Hi folks! Getting close now!!! Yeeeaaahh baby! Just starting to get caught up (and still have a horrendous amount of testing to do). Updated the confirmed/tentative attendee list including who's paid and who hasn't. If you paid and it's not showing as such, please get in touch. Hoping we get at least a couple more attendees as were a bit short overall. TheMadDutchDude- Come on by! No charge for visitors!
  16. Awesome!! Try to have your motherboard and any potential VGA victims insulated so that doesn't have to be dealt with while you're at the get together. You'll be up and running cold in no time!
  17. You should definitely come! Bring your pots and hardware and we'll all help you get going on the ln2 experience! Stop in whenever you can. Don't worry about the fee, anyone with a 2 year old definitely deserves a break.
  18. Excellente ya'll! Finally updated the op. We're getting there!! If you've already booked a room, please let me know. If you haven't and are going to make it, please reserve as soon as you can as I committed to 10 rooms. If I need to re-negotiate that part, the earlier the better. Thanks!!
  19. Still plenty of time but, if you're definitely coming, please let us know. Since I already laid out the cash, some more attendee funds would be mucho appreciated. Psyched that we're getting quite a few 1st time attendees!!! Awesome!
  20. Yes sir...figured that...it's basically in your back yard! Awesome!!! Plenty of folks around to get going ln2-style! Added the attendee lists to the first post. Thank you to Bones for being the first to pay!!!
  21. Hiya LightningManGTS! Woohoo! Would be great to see you there! Bring whatever hardware you want! Thanks for your kind offer of assistance, may take you up on that hehe Do you know hotrod and Witchdoctor? They're also from right around there. Hope things work out for ya' and you get to make it!
  22. Official sign-ups are now open! https://community.hwbot.org/topic/188548-2019-party-in-pa-official-sign-up-thread/
  23. Hiya folks! Welcome to the official sign-up thread for the 2019 Party in PA! When: 8/23 - 8/25 (welcome get together and hardware setups starting from around 5pm on Thursday 8/22). Open benching will go from around 8am Friday through about 3pm Sunday (we need to be out of the event space by 5pm Sunday). Where: Clarion Hotel and Conference Center Harrisburg West, 148 Sheraton Dr, New Cumberland, PA 17070 tel: (623) 432-0765 https://www.clarionhotelharrisburg.com/ Discount room rates are available, shoot me a pm for the event name to give when you call for a reservation. To get the discounted rate, you'll have to actually call them to make the reservation and give the event name. Rather than work with a sponsor, this year we've decided to self-fund the event. Should be the most relaxed, fun ln2 PA Party so far! Based on the 13 people who said they'll attend, the cost/person for the venue and ln2 (but excluding sleeping rooms) is $185. Total charge for the event space (incl. all taxes, etc) is $1,513 ($1,200 + 19% service charge + 6% tax). The ln2 cost comes out to $897 (ln2, delivery charges, taxes and a $50 tip for the driver). Total to be divided among the attendees is $2,510. $2,510/13= the $185. If more people end up paying, we'll all decide what we want to do with the excess cash and take care of it there/then. Please reply to this thread to sign-up. Once you've signed up, will send you a pm with my email address so you can send your $185. SO excited! Tia attendees!!! Can't wait to see you all! Kind Regards, -Stefan PS- If anyone needs hardware, etc, etc...feel free to post your needs/desires here and hopefully we'll find matches. I know that we'll need plenty o' extension cords so if you can bring some along, it'd be super helpful! Confirmed Attendees: - Bones- paid in full - funsoul- paid - LightningManGTS- paid in full - hotrod717 - yosarianlives - aerotracks- paid in full - steponz - jiccman1965- paid in full - brutuscat2- paid in full - rtsurfer- paid in full - richiec77- paid in full - keeph8n- paid in full Tentative: - Shadyreaper - niobium615 - Darthresin - Sheppix - Deux - AutisticChris - Samsarulz
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