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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. 7350k now $300
  2. Ok...heard back from the hotel. Total charge for the event space (incl. all taxes, etc) is $1,513. I'm going to try to get that down by about $250 but at least we have a baseline. Sleeping rooms will be available for $99/night (plus fees and taxes). Will confirm ln2 pricing this week. So...if there are only 8 of us, it'll come out around $710ish pp ($250 venue, 3x$120 sleeping room, $100 ln2). It's still ~6 months away...adding more attendees will bring pp cost down quickly.
  3. 7700k is now sold. Feel free to make offers on the 7350k! If you're interested in possibly trading, could use a nice benching board for 8700k. Tia!
  4. 7350k and 7700k are both available. Prices reduced, would love these things gone.
  5. Another price reduction on the 7700k. Abused randoms are going for $300 on ebay so think $350 is pretty sane for this one.
  6. Price reduction on the 7700k.
  7. Yvw Jiccy! It's kinda selfish on my part....I just like hanging, partying and benching with everyone hehe Haven't heard back from the venue on a quote yet. Hopefully we'll get our numbers this week.
  8. *bump* B-die found. Would be interested in a trade +/- cash for a nice 9900k.
  9. 7700k is available again. 7350k still on hold. Could use some nice b-die if anyone's interested in working some kind of trade +/- cash.
  10. Thanks guys! Will definitely be trying this chip again. Gotta get gpupi4cpu workin' dang it.
  11. Thanks man! Yeah...squeezing out those last few bits is tough. It's solid but not sure it's got enough to improve too much further.
  12. Thanks Matt! No sir...hanging on to this one for a while still. Cache can go a little higher (up to around 6350) but dropping it down to 60-62 let me go 1-2 cpu multis higher than when I run the cache up around 63x.
  13. Thanks George! Yeah...me, too Was shooting for that last night but couldn't get it running properly (so times were horrible). Gotta research to figure out what's wrong.
  14. * Official sign-up thread is now open! click here to visit the sign-up page * When: 8/23 - 8/25 (welcome get together and hardware setups starting from around 5pm on Thursday 8/22) Where: Clarion Hotel and Conference Center Harrisburg West, 148 Sheraton Dr, New Cumberland, PA 17070 tel: (623) 432-0765 https://www.clarionhotelharrisburg.com/ Discount room rates are available, shoot me a pm for the event name to give when you call for a reservation. To get the discounted rate, you'll have to actually call them to make the reservation and give the event name. * Greetings fellow oc-ers! Welcome to the planning thread for this year's Summer Party in PA! First and absolutely foremost, thanks to all of you who attended (or otherwise supported) the past get togethers! You're what makes it so awesome. Having never put together an 'event' before this one, I've learned a few things along the way. Most importantly, keep it easy and fun! I do my best to get us a decent space, plenty of ln2, relaxed environment, etc. Thanks to Joe, we've even had great sponsors who covered us and dished out heaps of nice goodies. That said, there were (of course) some downsides including the big expense of the hotel rooms in downtown Philly (although the venues have been top notch, imho) and a general feeling on my part that I(we) had to make efforts to please the sponsors (not so relaxing hehe). This year's party will be 8/22-25 back at our first venue in Harrisburg and will be 100% self-funded. Once I have an estimate on the space, room rates and juice it'll be straight math. The good news is that the total cost will very likely come out cheaper than what it's been costing for hotel rooms alone. I'll post the numbers once I have them. SO...we need to start figuring out how many of us will be there. PLEASE check your calendars, decide if you can make it and take the poll! Hopefully the long advance notice helps. TIA (as always) -Stefan
  15. I know...old dog trying to learn a new trick ? Also...wife is on me to sell the house in a couple months so we can downsize. I'm gonna be fighting for a benching space as it is...figure I'd best start unloading stuff. Anyone interested in about 100 vgas? Lol Oops...Apologies for the threadjack Alex! Le bumpe for joo!
  16. PM sent. 7700k and 7350k are on hold.
  17. Ya'll are just horrible and very bad influences! Yer killin' me Smalls! Guess that's part of the reason I like you guys so much Lemme see how quickly I can sell some stuff
  18. I know.,...I've been eye-ballin' this bad boy. Must resist!
  19. Definitely still runs great.
  20. Lmao. Hi Michael! It was yours first? This thing's makin' the rounds. Hehe
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