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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Awesome David! Great to see you smackin' that chip around a bit!
  2. Thanks guys Sadly...dimm1 on my apex has started really misbehaving so not excited to get someone to mod it for me Richie- Thanks dude! Chasing down the user who asked me to hold the 7350k. Will ping you on discord later.
  3. Thanks Chris! Get 'em all signed up!!
  4. D'oh! Ummm...yeah...what he said
  5. Hiya Gigelz! What's up dude? That'd work! Price incl. shipping to NJ, USA 07747? Shipping could be expensive, might be better if I find a board on this side of the ocean, but let me know. Thanks man!
  6. Looking for a strong board for ln2 benching an 8700k. Don't care about cosmetics or anything, just looking for something that'll let me max out my chip and ram. If you have something please let me know. Also, IF there's anything you're looking for that I have...maybe we can do a trade +/- cash? Tia!!!!!
  7. Thanks unity, yes sir. Need to get the ram running faster/tighter but not a bad first session.
  8. Apologies for pummeling this thread but want to keep everyone up to date. Contract is executed and the $1,513.68 has been paid in full. We're now officially locked n' loaded for this years event! $210/person ain't bad but if we can get a few more folks signed up, we're quickly under $200 (plus accommodations).
  9. Awesome Pankil! Was wondering where you were hiding ? Contract is signed, just waiting to get final confirmation. Total for the event space (5pm Thursday 8/22 - 5pm Sunday 8/25) comes out to $1,513.68 ($1,200 + 19% service charge + 6% tax). So...with 11 attendees (so far), we're looking at $137.61 per person + ln2 (estimate $70 per person*) and room (we have a block of 10 @ $99/night). Basically, $210/person + accomodations. * The LN2 expenses the past 2 years have been $770/year. $731 for ln2 + delivery/pickup + $40 tip. Ugh....all excited but 6 months to go! Ooooh noooo-o-o-o-o-o-o!!! ? Gives everyone more time to wrangle more friend to attend! =;P Woohoo! hehehe
  10. Board on hold.
  11. Initial price too high so insta-drop to $200 + shipping (and fees)
  12. Seemingly mythical board these past few years but a bit more complicated than the rexes (and I need to start downsizing) so time to let it go. Sent the board to Luumi for testing. The power button is not working but everything else about the board is pretty mint. Got the board from the original owner and fairly certain he never took it cold (nor did I) and Luumi probably ran it under 5 hours so this thing's pretty much unmolested. Bare board only. Asking US$250, US$200 buyer covers fees (paypal or equivalent in BTC or ETH) + shipping. The board's in Finland so would be cheaper for those in EU. Tia! -Stefan Board on hold.
  13. Replied On hold
  14. Made some progress. Other cards are giving me no issues so played with the problem one again. Apparently, this one's exceptionally b1tchy. I can adjust voltage and clocks in windows no problem but if I put the gpu clocks higher than where the card wants to run (no driver failure, just slightly beyond where the card gives decent fps), from that point forward am unable to get in a decent run without a reboot. Everything is fine when under max clocks, can run and re-run FSE without issue but, if I go too far, need to reduce the clock and reboot before running it again. Strange but at least I know now
  15. Hi Folks! Setting up for my next platform, running an x299 dark with a 7940x. Have the chip/mobo figured out to some extent and have the ram dialed in for 3733 and 3800 quad channel 12-12-12-28-240-1T (passes spi32 np at those speeds and settings). I can't seem to quite get 4000 12-12 stable I set maxmem to 4096 but after lots of issues, finding 6G works a little better. Decided to start binning some 1080ti's with Fire Strike Extreme (win10 x64). Am using MSI AB 4.40beta to unlock that little extra voltage using this guide: https://www.overclock.net/forum/69-nvidia/1625653-how-get-voltage-slider-afterburner-working-1080-ti.html Now..I've played enough to know at what gpu core clock the card can pass FSE (2088 MHz) and am hitting in the 15100-15300 range which seems about right BUT it's SUPER inconsistent! In addition to the 15K subs, FSE is giving scores in the 5k-6k range about 90% of the runs. What the heck??? I've tried running it repeatedly (without reboots in between runs) which has been fine in the past and have also tried a fresh reboot in between each run. Even with a fresh boot, FSE is still returning results in the 5k-6k range over 75% of the time. Tried reducing the gpu clocks a bit, didn't help. Tried increasing maxmem, didn't help. Tried with stock settings on the 1080ti, same lousy results. Tried at 3800 and 3733, made no difference. Tried uninstalling FSE, rebooting and reinstalling, same. Anyone have experience with this issue or have ideas on a possible cause/solution? Have a big egg on my forehead from pounding my head against the wall so figure best to ask here before I cause any further brain damage. tia!
  16. Yeah...I know it's not easy. Hopefully one of you can make it (iirc...maybe Scotty?)! Thanks...it'll be nice being back in Harrisburg.
  17. Don't see any in stock on this side of the pond, either or I'd offer to grab one and ship it across to you. FT- What an awesome pro board dude! Definitely worth the extra $ for the colors and painted hooker! Nice!
  18. And where oh where are our Warp9 friends? Really hoping to finally meet some of those crazies!
  19. Attendees- Start thinking about what you'll be benching. I know it's really far out but want to start estimating our ln2 needs. Thinking an average of roughly 120L/person. We've had juice to spare every year, want to have plenty again but prefer not having 300+ L that we don't use.
  20. Getting there! Looking pretty good so far so will work on the contract, pay for the event space and put a deposit on the ln2. Next is to try to get more people signed up. I'll be "on the hook" financially but I feel pretty confident we'll get enough of us willing to cover. Radi- You should definitely come! We always have at least a couple euros (aerotracks has made every one so far, thanks Moritz!). Pretty sure you'd have an excellent time!
  21. 9 so far plus Joe makes 10. Already puts us at or below $400pp
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