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Everything posted by boblemagnifique

  1. Yes with Radi & Doc , i have 6pcs of XP 2500+ but only 2 with the multi unlocked
  2. the vid vcore = 1.65v for the FKT4C and 1.45v for the FQQ4C For exemple with my FKT4C (2.13v real) And my FQQ4C (2.10v real) :celebration:
  3. No it's a 47w => FQQ4C , not 72w => FKT4C
  4. Dear All Please add the CPU AMD XP-M 2600+ (72w) Link Spec : http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K7/AMD-Mobile%20Athlon%20XP-M%202600+%20-%20AXMA2600FKT4C.html Thank a lot for your support :ws:
  5. anyone know if it's possible to bring any alcohol in turkey ?
  6. My Asus P8P67 Evo has kill my Core 0 (and the mb's dead tooo) grrrrr !! GBT P67A-UD7 B2 is dead too ^^
  7. Yes , submite the score on the forum (and validate in Hwbot for the Maxxmem & wprime 1024). Yes only 4 teams for the qualification online (only the first three for the live in Paris). And only the first team qualified for the MOA EU to represent France
  8. 2600K L048B237 #0136 5513Mhz Wprime 32Mo at 1.6v http://img848.imageshack.us/img848/582/439s.jpg
  9. I have the same problem with my Barton 2500+ => http://hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=541423&thumb=false&iehack=.jpg I can try soon on my other mb abit NF7 rev 1.2.
  10. yes maybe , i have test my XP 2200+ and no problem for the cache L2 (256Ko). The core is crumbled but it's alive for the moment ^^
  11. Hi Sweet , it's a true XP 1600+ (AX1600DMT3C) but the last CPUz bug with my NF7 rev 2.0 my all cpus (for exemple : L2 Cache = 64Ko)
  12. 2600K L042B074 #2020 5412Mhz vcore 1.72v (aircooling)
  13. il faudrait que je test car bon c'est des screens qui date de 2009 pour les plus récents ^^
  14. Pail08 2600K L042B074 #0412 = 5500Mhz at 1.58v (superpi 1mo)
  15. not for the moment , i have ordered a L042B074 A2020 today , waiting for the end of the week ...
  16. Reporting cpus Tanuki : 2600K L038B659 #2737 = 5507Mhz at 1.56v (superpi 1mo) 2600K L041B299 #0201 = 5300Mhz at 1.35v (superpi 1mo) & 5328Mhz at 1.45v (superpi 1mo) -> Frequency limited ? Donbe : 2600K L041B202 #1732 = 5211Mhz at 1.472v (superpi 1mo) Ryu Ryu : 2600K L041B202 #____ = 5600Mhz at 1.536v (Superpi 8mo) 2_2_ 2600K L041B202 #1893 = 2600K L041B204 #0327 = -> 5578Mhz at 1.56v (Superpi 8mo) maybe the L041B202 ?
  17. stock voltage ^^ je n'ai pas testé avec de vgpu. Mais ca doit monter plus haut (1000/1050mhz surement vers 1.2/1.3v en stock cooling)
  18. stock voltage ^^ je n'ai pas testé avec de vgpu. Mais ca doit monter plus haut (1000/1050mhz surement vers 1.2/1.3v en stock cooling)
  19. watercooling (1.4/1.45v of vcore approximatively)
  20. Ticket ID: 391 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=588695 thk
  21. Ticket ID: 389 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=588576 thank
  22. Ticket ID: 386 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=588300 Freq stock : 2533Mhz Thank soon too : T9900 , Q9100 , Q9200 ...
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