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Posts posted by Alex@ro

  1. As you already know Skylake overclock depends greatly on TIM used.It is now more important than ever for both ambient and extreme users to use a quality TIM for maximizing overclocks.


    Since overclocking Skylake is pretty much apply voltage and frequency and start i made a short test with stock tim versus two quality solutions from Gelid and Grizzly .


    I used for this a good single-stage made by nachtfalke who kept a steady temperature of -56 idle -53 load on xtu benchmark . Having a steady temperature and avoiding variations helps greatly test data so i have to give credit to nachtfalke for being a great builder and also a good friend ;)


    Long story short:



    Intel I7 6700K @ 1.58V

    Frequency for completing XTU benchmark :


    Test #1 Cpu not delidded,stock TIM between DIE and IHS,Gelid GC EXTREME between IHS and EVAPORATOR.


    Results : TERRIBLE


    Stock TIM is a disaster and Intel should be sued for letting chips like these out of factory,maximum temperature was 54 degrees,maximum frequency 5070...




    Test #2 Cpu not delidded,stock TIM between DIE and IHS,Grizzly Kryonaut between IHS and EVAP


    Results : POS but better


    Kryonaut improved the result by 12 degrees and maximum frequency is now 5120 ...




    Test #3 Cpu delidded,Gelid GC-Extreme between DIE and IHS,Grizzly Kryonaut between IHS and EVAP


    Results : Good


    Replacing stock TIM with Gelid GC Extreme slashed another 19 degrees and maximum frequency is now 5190 for XTU




    Test #3 Cpu delidded, Grizzly Kryonaut between DIE and IHS,Grizzly Kryonaut between IHS and EVAP


    Results : Excellent


    Grizzly Kryonaut between DIE and IHS slashed another 10 degrees and gained 100 mhz more for a decent frequency of 5290 XTU test...




    Conclusion :


    Kryonaut is an excellent product and should be taken into consideration by anyone who knows what he is doing when overclocking. A good tool for overclockers deserves credit and this goes to Roman !

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