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Everything posted by hambaaaallah

  1. yes, my cpu is hard wall , maybe limited the ability of my impact
  2. according to requests you speed.fastest my cpu reached the limit, above it is difficult
  3. limited time at bench maybe, someday will be updated again just wait
  4. nice event. with a unique and innovative rules
  5. yey finally, first time i am success runing spi32M with wazza next i will optimize my memory hambaaaallah`s SuperPi - 32M score: 5min 59sec 375ms with a Core i7 6700K
  6. halo, ini siapa ya? tolong kontak admin uns oc team facebook --> facebook.com/UNSOCTeam/ terima kasih
  7. you can try with procc freq from 4.8 to 4.9
  8. you can try bios version 0018 overall I think this is the best bios for non-k oc on impact link --> MAXIMUS-VIII-IMPACT-ASUS-0018
  9. if that bug why I try to run repeatedly score out almost similar in the range 1790-1795. throtelling maybe have helped me improve my score. finally my procc is dead, and I should RMA
  10. maybe hwbot staff can confirm its bug or not ?
  11. freq procie I used a 5.1 ghz because throtelling, xtu its reading at an average speed of when he was running 4,9ghz Look multiplier reaches 51
  12. trying to win XP , and tweak coppy wazza
  13. thx bro, it's work
  14. finally, I get a tight setting in CR 1 3866 using OCF Z170 hard to use CR 1 I am impatient to get run Spi 32m currently , otw installing windows xp 32bit thx to speed.fastest for tutorial instalation xp 32bit on my skylake
  15. finally, i am succesfully install windows xp 32 bit on my skylake 1. download win XP 32 bit tested 100% for skylake --> https://drive.google.com/a/uns.ac.id/file/d/0B2l3owmraXIoWW96cGluLXIwX2M/view?usp=sharing 2. download firadisk for 32 bit --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/nmqctauoi6p0i31/Firadisk%20fr%2032%20bit.rar?dl=0
  16. how to save a profile to a USB flash? I've tried, but my flash is not readable my flash formatted ntfs
  17. yeay, I successfully use CR 1 at 3866Mhz VDIM 1.81v VSA 1,160 1,150 Vio Hint: secondary and ternary should be set manually
  18. I previously used gene VIII, I can run CR 1 over 3600, I am setting vio 1.3 and 1.35 VSA same result, can't be run on CR 1
  19. Guys, I got my first B-die [TridentZ 3600CL16]. but I can't run CR 1T on my OCF with dividers 3733 and above. Mems are capable of 2000 12-12, even 12-11, and they do it very tight, but I am forced to go 2T. Any hints? I tried bioses 1.92, 1.93a and 2.03. What happens is during memory training it goes from 40 to 00->19->00->19->00 and safe boot triggers. I tried raising vccsa and vccio, I ran them on auto, raised PCH to 1.1, but still no success.
  20. what bios version is recomended for overclocking on The ASROCK Z170 oc formula?
  21. yes I have installed firadisk , then succesfull instal and reboot if you mean GUI Mode?
  22. any help after boot screen http://forum.hwbot.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=4408&stc=1&d=1464927562
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