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Everything posted by Dr.Antoine

  1. https://www.philscomputerlab.com/uploads/3/7/2/3/37231621/hypersli_1.0.exe
  2. If you don’t overclock your card it’s normal you have a low nature and if you don’t config your pilote and os it’s normal you have a bad nature dude
  3. 100l de liquide à -30 pour moins de 10€ ca aide !
  4. I'll try to take some pictures for my next graphics card I'm preparing
  5. With my little experience of these 4090, only 3 benchmarks can be strongly improved by unstable memory : PortRoyal, Superposition 1080p and Superposition 4K the others not Perhaps only these 3 benchmarks would merit a requirement to enable ECC and thus remove all current scores and thus allow ECC to be disabled for all other benchmarks. This would make everyone happy I think and would be quite fair for all
  6. ECC OFF = 20 862 : https://www.3dmark.com/spy/33519493
  7. Due to the inflated and bugged scores we have seen lately pop up at the UL Hall of Fame and at HWBOT it would be recommended to enable the ECC Memory setting RECOMMENDED It's for what I stay at a low memory frequency compared to other all of fame results always without systeminfo 5.55 and for sure without ECC because it's without errors 3.5% loose of perf so it's not competitive ! Went other scores are remoove I will post ECC enabled scores !
  8. Normal it's not mandatory just recommanded, only think mandatory currently is systeminfo 5.55 and hardware monitoring
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