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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. Yeah bboy amazing blocks. EK is seriously the best man Yo Moose yeah dude if I have time. I am only playing for fun, not prizes
  2. We benched single cards as well so really there's no impact at all then.......
  3. Lol apparently Adelaide asked for the keys of their city back from him lmfao
  4. I am shattered if this BS rule does indeed stick. We are being punished on a formality and this will significantly affect the competition results now. Whoever "wins" it now good luck to them but it won't mean a great deal.... We all know these scores are legit and that there are plenty of others using this version that you cannot check but let's pull Futuremark at this contest. This was a surprise rule to us anyway . We used a fresh image so we can bench properly and not worry about OS messing up and now we pay like this.
  5. Roman, your team mate dropped a score a few minutes ago. So since one of your team mates is generalising he should be looking at his own team as well... It's not a good look fellas, I've told you that after last round
  6. Yah as I said b4 we dropped all scores I still don't think it will do and it seems we'll be fighting it out last round
  7. Sure you do roman judging by the latest score update, still came up short in cloud gate
  8. nah Germans and Indonesians are going to put up their scores soon, we're going to end up 3rd if lucky lol if it does end up 9 points between us, LOL BRING IT ON! what happens in case of a tie ?
  9. meanwhile in sandbagtownofAustralia LOL Thanks George & likewise, looking forward to meeting all you guys at CES. This was fun but we are such noobs at Country Cup man LOL we are basically sandbagging our fail scores because we are embarrassed to be leading a stage with junk scores LOL
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