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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. i hear ya mike so what actually qualifies? this is kinda confusing
  2. You're running crossfire though. Does that mean i can put up 300K in 03 with my 7970 setup?
  3. I might come and have a few beers as well, who else is coming
  4. yeah im sure there's more in it. Feels better than 1900 LN2 the other day on older bios LOL! Now to figure out where the other 150MHz are hiding
  5. look at the GTs, they are all over the place! They are obviously bugged if you are seeing 2000FPS on one run and 2600 on another
  6. you able to run it by your local rep to take the board in and have it looked at to see what the possible cause is? involve me in the loop if you can so i can track to see what happened.
  7. new OC board bios for high memory clocks on teamau page guys https://www.facebook.com/teamauoc
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