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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. lol did he tell you kick things off with 2v first! hahah
  2. I took a rev4 to bench first and the damn thing died on me starting the bench at 7.4ghz 1.67vcore with 9590. Switched to UD7 all sweet. I would probably stick to UD7 for ln2 benching. Never let me down and has a strong pwm I totally forgot how nice it is to bench with old award bios. Miss it so.much!!! Fast and no dicking around
  3. Throttling or AM3 scoring inconsistently I can tell you in my testing with 990FXA-UD7 these was no throttling as I checked with 3d11 window mode as my runs were sometimes wildly fluctuating in scores in AM3. During that process i also discovered that the UD3 had a bios issue with turbo cores not running at max speed so I benched without them and could get the same efficiency in high scores, separate issue I guess
  4. We also failed complete a stage. Disappointed about that 4 stages to go Roman your calculation is wrong, we're on 77 points
  5. Lol I was enjoying this until I started getting my ass kicked by this dumbass AM3 argh. Junk
  6. Lol what the hell dude. Stop doing drugs during benching lol
  7. Hey guys You need to RSVP to the GIGABYTE OC event https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gigabyte-intel-gskill-enermax-oc-event-tickets-9778346297 Dino
  8. Boys we want 20 overclockers to bench with us, be there!
  9. Vivi yes OC Force did the job nicely. Wait till you see what we've got cooking in the kitchen
  10. You make is sound like it's a bad thing, sheeeesh
  11. just buy one from performancepc. they deliver to AU
  12. thanks Roman, now to figure out what in the hell it means lol
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