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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. Sand bag is a b1tch move IMO but it is what it is. Not really good oc spirit.

    Feels more like a weasel sneaking in at the end.


    Why not tell us the hardware and then gives us the 1 hour a few months later when we should submit. Should be good for web traffic etc xD


    And that being said, nothing you can do about it. Giving points etc for being first at certain points wont work I think.


    Thanks for the insult!

  2. I am shattered if this BS rule does indeed stick. We are being punished on a formality and this will significantly affect the competition results now. Whoever "wins" it now good luck to them but it won't mean a great deal....


    We all know these scores are legit and that there are plenty of others using this version that you cannot check but let's pull Futuremark at this contest. This was a surprise rule to us anyway :confused:. We used a fresh image so we can bench properly and not worry about OS messing up and now we pay like this.

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