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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. i hear ya mike

    Yes, but Massman explained that this is called Dual Graphics, not Hybrid. For Hybrid only Llano + 2-3 possible discrete videocards qualify.

    Not saying it's the right thing, but that's what he explained.

    As I see it the difference is the naming scheme only...


    http://www.cpu-world.com/info/AMD/Recommended_graphics_cards_for_AMD_dual-graphics.html Basically you should look at the first table only.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I've understood so far. There was a discussion earlier in this thread.


    so what actually qualifies? this is kinda confusing

  2. I'm out man, my GB UP4 board gave in at the above speeds and took out the CPU too lol. My second FM board down... these are so fragile :(


    However this one was close too stock speeds :confused:


    you able to run it by your local rep to take the board in and have it looked at to see what the possible cause is? involve me in the loop if you can so i can track to see what happened.

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