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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. Well done guys, that was an awesome event. i really enjoyed watching you guys go at it.


    T0lsty is the man. He had a poor clocking CPU but it didnt stop him, he minimised the damaged in first two rounds and then smashed it out of the park in 3D. Vivi was the only guy that was more efficienct running his RAM subzero but it went pair shaped for the young fella which is a shame as it made it hard to compete for later rounds. He would have been looking tough to beat had the rig been smooth sailing but what can you do! Well done to Alva and Michal. Alva's last run before the final gong just got him into 2nd place. Nerve wracking and we were there to witness it all as he was having his rig broadcast on livestream for us to see! Awesome!


    Well done to OC TV guys. This format is really good. Shame about YouTube pulling the broadcast which resulted in some problems but all is well that ends well right! I liked the multi monitor format and you got commentary going in the end. That made it a lot more fun to watch for us! Thanks!


    Proud of my TeamAU boys. They had pretty bad CPUs but they kept at it and cranked it pretty hard in the last round with 2nd and 3rd places in 3D MARK. Michal mentioned that this comp is all about 3D and it is. Nothing wrong with that. It requires a lot more skill to put it all together as you're benching the GPU and CPU. Surprised that more people didn't freeze the RAM as Vivi did. It clearly worked well for him in first round. That would have made it pretty tough in a live comp i guess though and certainly a lot more complicated once things go bad. Anyway, awesome work TeamAU boys! Hopefully better luck next year and expecting to see that monster setup from Carl today singing nicely ;)

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