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Posts posted by Sweet

  1. thank you everybody !

    @sweet (/any clocker) : no problem to andress you to make better your subtests.

    1*trasparent window needs "lightness" ... for example keeping closed more things as you can when you do subtest: watch for example bottom right of my screen... bar it's empty ;)

    when and how you move mouse is important.

    2*page rendering needs lightness too and big zoom size to make the rendering fill more pages in the same time...

    I advice you to download lastest IE9 version. connect to the web your benchmark PC to do it.

    3*graphic memory is lighter for gddr than 3D-physics and 3D-pixel shader. You can increase memory clock there. With this driver cpu clock is important too.

    *text edit works by fmpad that connects wordpad. try to play with this last.

    4*memory access is HDD-related

    5*virus scan : when you install OS by raid you can do " p67 raid " that is better than " windows software raid " .

    this way you begin to see about 900-1000 virus scan

    By software ( rapid storage technology ) you can delete and create different array.

    Change stripe size and when you set on " write back "

    play with disk/volume property on its management and have good luck !

    Force GT are not so good, but there is a great prospective in sata3 ssd.

    Well... I hope to be helpful to somebody and I hope to get better tweaks/better storage in the future.

    I know the play is coming hard and there are new skilled clocker in this bench.

    I need to do nice results to keep my positions.

    Thank you everybody again...




    Thanks Denis, I was playing around with raid by software, I have to try several times to improve.


    Edit or Ps:


    sweet, parli italiano ?


    La mia Nonna direbbe "... Cusi Cusa ..." o "...mezza e mezza...", ma mi difendo abbastanza, a volte :o


    Per fortuna lo spagnolo è molto simile a italiano :)


    Alex - Sw

  2. Also... And fairly obviously, don't be afraid to try negatives


    never i try before :eek:



    If we are giving it all away I might as well help a little - for xpstart up limiting - many ways - all involve making just enough read contention on the test drive -


    1. use a h/w raid controller with its own cat5 and change controller settings to slow down the read rate

    2. use an external thumb drive and do a copy operation to the test drive during the test - most folks use this

    3. use crystal disk mark during test

    4. this is the one i use almost exclusively now but there is a learning curve - iometer executed from a saved config file via a .bat :)




    I use "2" sometimes, thanks Steve


    Windows Vista have the best ''Transparent Windows'' score.



    yes imho. for transparent windows Vista x64 (improved with nlite) is the best, Ati grafics card, I have not yet tested with nvidia.


    For this subtest (transparent) - Operating System from best to worst


    1- Vista x64 (improve w/nlite) the best

    2- Windows 7

    3- Windows 8 (I dont like in general by now)

    4- XP - worst


    In subtest 2 "Physics and 3D"-GTX 580-, I use only "lod tweak" like i write before set lod with nvidiainspector (0x00000034) in Rivatuner +4 or + 6, i dont try with +10 or more, may be good, negative lod may be good too, never i use negative lod w/nvidia.


    During Country Cup, we could work around that by moving the PCMark7 around until the benchmark started. Like 'click' on window and move mouse


    Interesting ;)

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