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Posts posted by Sweet

  1. I think futuremark link required for all top 20 (global or H/W) is a great idea. If we have that I reco we not require results.txt. Futuremark link or results.txt required for ALL submissions. Wadaya think?


    Yes Steve Please Can you write correctly this in order that I edit the first post ? or any Guy with good writing in English ?


    In spanish few ones are going to understand it :D


    Thanks so much :)


    Wrapper includes subtest scores inside screenshot.


    Better , much better, Meanwhile, the previous stays in functions from this night, night for me, until the wrapper are ready.


    Thanks by your clarification GEN, so shortly we will have unless problem




    Updated First post,

  2. @borandi


    Tonight I edit the first post of this thread and add the list, as the comments of Pro


    Edit: and this


    Since October 24, 2012 -In all submission of PcMark05, must be all the subtests run with each final results, so, use result .txt file in the screen like a ORB link, both are valid.

    Always on the screen or the ORB link, everyone should be able to see the final score of each subtest. Mandatory


    For Top 20 Global link ORB is Mandatory

  3. That's just the thing Sweet, you don't see all details on the output.


    Unless you do as the guys proposed and do the output via a text file.


    Clear, in all submission of PcMark05, must be all the subtests run with each final results, so, use result .txt file in the screen like a ORB link, both are valid.

    Always on the screen or the ORB link, everyone should be able to see the final score of each subtest. Mandatory


    For Top 20 Global link ORB is mandatory

  4. I think ORB Link should be must have for each top 20 global now, like it was in the past


    And now too, any Global Top 20 must have a link thats ORB is mandatory, always.


    Proposition for future PCM05 submissions : MUST include a verification link...





    Is necessary if you can see all subtest on screen ?


    But not a bad idea, it costs nothing to put the link to the ORB in all submissions of PcMark


    I vote for all submissions a link Moose, just to allow easier moderating...


    Yes sure :D

  5. Good morning Mr. Sweet


    Good morning (or afternoon for you Steve)


    Well ... Pro ​​old Master of PCMark, more correctly can answer all questions, and maybe I (like overclocker or almost) to try to find out as you do for great scores, it's like turning back the clock and start squeezing Hardware.


    Again, all together will do overclock With This benchmark, I have lucky because you and I.M.O.G have sold your acards :)


    Welcome Pro at this thread !!!

  6. Mr. Sweet, one other item, looking for clarification - for many of my most recent submissions I have used non-OS s/w that helps TW. Do I need to remove these submissions?


    Not by now, maybe in the future, wait a few days by this. we being defined at this time the massive increase in this subtest (transp win)


    We are defining the many gray areas that have the PCMark, which is totally unsafe.


    But if you consider that a hack usstes to improve the final result (which is not allowed) and also the final score is very bulky for hardware that you have used, better remove.


    You SteveRo and I.M.O.G like S_A_V and anothers guys who were the best in this benchmark, by the hardware used, know what is right or wrong. you are the real Master of PCMark. You were the ones who always defended the continuation of this benchmark


    You know much more than me on this topic (always inside overclocking) I've learned to run this benchmark with cold, and another stuff, thanks to you, I.M.O.G and S_A_V :)


    Btw. we have removed the scores from the day 19.10.2012 which use the Text edit Tweak (cheat with script w/ .rft file in blanck ) only, try other than validated those ridiculous scores that were uploaded since that day, scores greater than 100,000 marks with microprocessor stock. That's totally ridiculous and difficult to defend by those who use the tweaks to trick overclockers.


    Guys imo, we have to stop this hack or will be removed literally the benchmark points and cups, PCMark05 could stop being a benchmark with which we can make overclocking
  7. No reason to ban iometer. It just helps pull down xp startup. With your storage, there isn't another good way really.


    Someone said no scripts. Need batch script to change drive letters on strong storage.



    Hi Steve, I.M.O.G is right in this topic, but by now change Hdd is allowed.


    Is AMD RAIDXpert changing the sector size still allowed, is changing sector size on any drive allowed, why just amd?


    If this is all decided and now set in stone, perhaps a popup or some kind of message when you visit the frontpage telling everyone to check their submissions. I think that a small percentage of people visit the forum regularly.


    I think it will soon be on the front page and in the rules -only Massman can do that-, we just need to define whether or not F2D is allowed like amd raid eXpert :)


    Guys imo, we have to stop this hack or will be removed literally the benchmark points and cups, PCMark05 could stop being a benchmark with which we can make overclocking.


    By the way, move the mouse so crazy is not allowed, you just have to move smoothly, in nvidia graphic cards, and mouse with ball is not allowed :D

  8. AMD RAID EXPERT Tool is bugged, but it was allowed by hwbot testing. Im still against this...only pcm05 show an huge score.

    I see you beginn to block scores, but in global rankings nearly every score is still in: (

    Demac, mtech, i and some gluvo where deleted by semself, why still all topdog scores in???

    Also VapoR scores?


    Only the last 72 Hrs., the rest with help the others moderators, thats a hard work

  9. I am just saying it sounds like this. I am surprised that the staff did not choose to put Pro or Genie to head this


    You are wrong in this point, I belong to moderation staff since 2010 september, and my nick is a cheat too. (I have much character and personality)


    Pro is a judge, like Knopflerbruce said in previous post., youngpro is what we tell everyone its a tweak is illegal or not. the rest of us are moderators result in this benchmark and the rest benchmarks


    I got to work, because surely had more free time than other moderators, any of the staff can do what I've done, I do not think I should explain why and who does it, as it is a desicion staff, and it had to be done.


    For you, i'm a bad person, for others i'm a good person, but always honest all the time, nobody ever dared to tell me otherwise, and I'm overclocker (sometimes good, Sometimes bad) since 2007 in HWBOT November of this year is my first submission. I think that since I registered in HW only have blocked me only two subs. (Jmke) in the first year, my fault of course


    When MFT software was not allowed in PcMark, There was discussion as well, and I had already a sub with this, I delete myself without any fuss


    As many know I am not a boy, not even a teenager, I am old, the oldest of HW and maybe the old bencher in the world, or i'm wrong ?



    By the way, Pro has confirmed that the tweak text edit is illegal , some days ago :)

  10. Sweet,


    RAID expert uses RAM for caching. Intel Matrix Storage manager can do the same thing.


    However with AMD RAIDXpert, there's a bug with changing sector size that makes pcmark05 wig out and scores go through the roof. I mentioned this in the pcmark05 tweaks thread, as a teammate of mine had found the glitch months previous, but never submitted it because the scores were out to lunch - he knew it wasn't right to submit, so no one on our team ever used the tweak.


    Once I mentioned it though, other people started looking into and using it, and Massman tested it as well.


    Moose's statement that RAIDXpert is the same as Areca cache isn't 100% accurate in my opinion. RAIDXpert's use of system cache, with tweaked raidxpert settings, absolutely crushes anything the Areca RAM cache is possible of scoring... So basically, with 2x cheap RAID0 SSDs and the right RAIDXpert settings, you can trash a $5000 Areca 5x RAID0 storage setup. It's coo-coo. You can change sector size on the areca's as well, and you don't get the crazy boost - its an exclusive feature/bug of raidxpert.


    I don't know why Massman stated it wasn't a bug. I think it seems clear things wig out when you change sector size in raid expert, no longer producing "realistic" storage performance.


    Thanks I.M.O.G :)


    I think like Pro in this point to allow the ramcache if we allow AMD raid eXpert


    But AMD raid eXpert is not the greatest of the problems, Text edit, audio compress and others tweaks illegal (called by me and many guys "Cheats" ), are the real problem.


    Btw. In the past I use Intel Matrix Storage manager

  11. I read this page now, but takes a time, again my english is is very slow.




    Yes i read this at this moment, and today i dont Blocked subs with this driver upload results today by Moose, Because there is no staff desicion to block this,I only write in the staff that if we allow raid eXpert AMD, we must also allow ramcache or ramdisk in Intel chips


    The RAID expert Software use ram for caching. This is the same like areca cards do.


    In this point why not use ramcache in Intel Chips ?



    After some testing, it seems the driver is not really bugged, but some of the caching options just boost the PCMark subtest score. You can try this out yourself. The 12.6 drivers only allows 512bytes sectorisation whereas 12.8 supports 1K, 2K and 4K as well. The results with RAID set at 512bytes is the same on 12.6 and 12.8; it's only when you go to 1K, 2K or 4K that you have a performance boost.


    So, the scores of Vapor are valid.


    It does give some food of thought for the PCMark05 benchmark in genera, though.

  12. To start, it sounds as if Sweet written the OP of this thread of his own accord without discussing with the admins.


    Are you sure about this comments ?, You have exceeded your writing I only do what is agreed in the staff, Why you know this or write this stuff ? Why you accuse me of taking alone the decisions ?


    Of course all this stuff are have been discussed in the staff , Massman approved to be blocked all submissions of the last 72 Hrs. with any tweaks illegal if you dont want the word "cheats



    vii) "Originally Posted by Sweet:

    -Well, virus scan is too hight, 2460.21 MB/s You use something like ramcaching ?

    -Not by now, because to allow this software must be allow ramdisk or ramcache with intel chips

    -In PcMark'05 ?"


    Sweet say : Well, virus scan is too hight, 2460.21 MB/s You use something like ramcaching ?


    Moose say : amd raid eXpert


    Sweet say: Not by now, because to allow this software must be allow ramdisk or ramcache with intel chips


    Moose say; but this is allowed


    Sweet say: in PcMark05 ?


    Thats is correct without manipulation , and in spanish that i write not offensive but a strong way to answer what you imply in his words, like in your native leguage

  13. 1) Stop all PC05 submissions until the wrapper is complete. The wrapper will either include some tweaks by default, making sure everyone is at the same level, or be able to remove tweaks out of the equation. OR...

    2) It's time to remove PC05 from points. Make it a tweakers benchmark


    I only agree to this, and really do not care what You have hinted about me, or Directly by mentioning That Sometimes I wrote everything and manipulating my words,.


    But for every insinuation about me and my skills (which are thankfully few) justice will be done with a lot (too much) overclockers who have used this benchmark using the hardware and not cheat of software.


    There are only 7 or 8 guys who have used these cheats and many more overclockers who complain about this indiscriminate use.


    And Yes, i blocked the subs. upload in the last 72 Hrs. all by TEXT EDIT . bat (script)this script amending temporary files of benchmark


    Only I to do this, Text Edit is a tweak not allowed, this is a Cheat undoubtedly.


    Lo que pienso en Español, mi lenguaje nativo : Si escribieramos en español, te aseguro que no podrias manipular mis comentarios como un chico, vos lloras como una chica lo que no podés sostener como un tipo grande.


    I dont know these abbreviations, can someone define ?


    ^^ The point I am making.


    In my language, abbreviations are different than yours, sorry but if not defined or write the entire word many like me, do not know what you're talking about.


    Yes English is not my native language, but I can understand the concepts if written correctly, i'm not the only one that write or read cusi cusa the english

  14. It doesn't help if the one laying down the hammer is not too concerned with his own understanding of what certain tweaks are or how they work. This is very clear throughout this thread.


    If you dont understand the problem of PcMark, you dont understand our point, and this post is a attack to me.


    Maybe for you I'm a bunny, useless and does not know anything, BUT HONEST, This is HARDWAREbot NOT SOFTWAREbot.


    Thats all. I will not answer such comments, the PCMark05 be clean or nothing.


    You can send pm to Pro, with this comments, but not attacks or insults towards me.


    Anyway I'm commenting on what you said in the staff ( all staff) and Pro and GENiEBEN read this post


    And Yes my English is a real cheat

  15. Since this moment, we started cleaning the database PCMark'05.


    -First step , the submission upload in the last 72 hours.


    We will try to make a clean clinic and has few errors as possible, apologies to all community by the mistakes that may occur by the staff of moderators.


    better a few guys angry that the whole community shouting



    Actualization post


    In the last 72 hrs. I had to block seven (7) submissions from three (3) different guys, but six (6) different subs. of six (6) different overclockers are absolutely right, including one of Turrican. :)


    Each draw their own conclusions.;)

  16. Thanks to all members of the community and especially to Denys, Moose, and C. Ney (like overclocker, not by moderator :P) for your support and understanding current issues.


    After teamcup the 12.8 driver was officially allowed. And ramdisk cant score this, ramcaching also cant.


    In PcMark'05 ?





    whats the go with rst?


    I dont know these abbreviations, can someone define ?


    what do mean ? :)


    So...i speak spanish or something else sometimes :P

  17. HWbot no is perfect, much less, moderate scores.


    We thought we were clear on many cheats and others may be discussed, (like change HDD), but we prefer a few overclockers angry and not the entire community saying this is a disaster and we allow many things without overclocking, it has spread in many forums in the world and should be remedied.



    Official allowed

    With Quadcore 9G VS, massman has allowed it


    Not by now, because to allow this software must be allow ramdisk or ramcache with intel chips ;)


    powertoys needs no discuss, its only an GUI for registry settings


    Fully agree, powertoy is a GUI, not a software or a script, powertoy not equal to F2D.

    Powertoy = GUI /// F2D = Software


    um... the use of batch files to change drive letter has been standard practice for quite some time by many and has been openly discussed. are we going to be done with the 220mb cap so no need for this sort of tweaking, limit speeds on general hdd & virus scan or permit scripting?


    By now 220 is the max in XP start up, nothing new about this :)


    i've always taken fancycache as a total no go with the above rule but whats the go with rst?


    can we please have a clear / firm re-write of the benchmark rules as they are ambiguous and open to individual interpretation, even with this thread imo.


    I regret not being more clear, my "English cheat" ( all staf suffers my English cheat ) is surely an obstacle, but we believe that the rules are sufficients, and there is no need to add every cheat in the rule, as these should be add every day, every day a new cheat. Perhaps, with more time the rules will be updated by youngpro (Pro) or Massman


    well... this is a compromise not easy to adjudicate.

    Fortunately I began to use AutoHotKey 40 days ago.

    I'll delete last scores ( and don't post old backups )

    I'm not together with decision because I think It's crazy to moderate this way, but I'm only a player, so I can decide only to play or not to play.

    as example, before Flashdesktops I already was doing more than 50k TW ... there are many way to enchance a subtest, TW is an example and I think FlashDesktop could be like LOD in 3D marks: Not allowed/not controlled.

    There should be made a Video during subtest(s) or 3dMark(s) to be sure it's not be used.

    Even if I don't fully agree this choice, I appreciate the courage to do it and the intemption to report this bench in this planet ( with 100k+ sandbagging scores we were going on the moon )

    Decide you if delete or not my scores pre-AHK.

    I ask you only to let me C.P. Made during TeamCup.

    I'll ask you some question if it will not be explained enough clarely in next days


    Bye !


    Denys you are a very good and enthusiastic overclocker, with a great future in the sport, and certainly in this like other important benchmarks you will get excellent scores, this is for the good of everyone in the community, sorry my friend :)


    I appreciate the courage to do it


    Thank you Denys very difficult, but it had to be done, we appreciate this comment


    Apologies, my Spanish is better, sometimes by the way :)


    Important note:

    There should be made a Video during subtest(s) or 3dMark(s) to be sure it's not be used.


    Thats is one of the big problem in the future, too

  18. If flashdesktops is a cheat that means every top global score is cheated, right?


    Depending if it has been used for those subs.


    Like C. Ney (in the staff) said it is very difficult, sometimes, to differentiate a flash desktop submission with another no flash desktop.

    That is why we appeal to the honesty of each bencher, to delete the submissions made ​​with this software.


    Later, when de mods. do their jobs could be collateral damage, perhaps, some sub can may be blocked wrongly, I feel sorry for this but I think it will happen :)

  19. I'm not a PCMark bencher but I don't see a problem with Bobs tweak. The user is changing nothing in Windows, they are merely using a feature of Windows as it is designed- changing desktop appearance.


    You explain this better like me, my english is cheat :P


    Tell me more about how fast is 3DM01 after reboot or under windows XP or running tests in a different order or with a different amount of lod and so on


    Yes it is :)


    And so the mouse Tweak comes back


    Like CN commented on the staff , "we turn back in time", I hope that this Benchmark be clean again cheats, and re-used by all overclockers. :ws:

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