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Posts posted by Sweet

  1. Christian, for your database, sorry, my SO, (mod) no have excel:D


    User name : Sweet

    Cpu: E8600 @4600 mhz.

    Drive name : OCZ Agility 2 (it's new, testing)

    Capacity of one drive : 120Gb

    File System :Vista 64 mod

    If the OS is installed on it or not: yes, the OS is installed on the drive

    Used/New: new

    RAID : No

    Which Controller: SandForce 1200

    PCMark05 tests : Windows Stratup 175 and HDD General Usage 85-90




  2. While i wait for copy cat hwbot site to pop up to give this site some competition... here is a different approach to this "team ranking situation" just in case anyone else out there is listening:


    Leave community rankings just as they are and stop referring to them as team rankings. Community rankings is more appropriate as that is what they are.


    Create a team ranking system which consists of an actual team. Real teams have a limited amount of players (soccer, football, rugby, hockey etc.).... start there.


    I propose 8 members per team as japan seems to doing well with this number. 15-20 members seems a bit too much. A larger community with lots of members will have internal goal to compete within itself to try and make it to first string... :) Meanwhile if they aren't first string, they still contribute to the community.


    Leave it to the team captain to choose who he/she wishes to be on his/her team.


    Here is another thought...


    Now that we have a real team with an exact amount of players, it would only make sense that we have an exact amount of hardware (instead of all hardware ever created) that is eligible for points!


    Create of list of eligible hardware (100 pieces? 200 pieces?), why not start with the most popular for now.. there is no need to include your entire database for team points.


    To keep it interesting, modify your list of eligible hardware every quarter to include new hardware, remove old hardware, or even add really old hardware which would probably force the team captain to revise his/her team.




    Seriously,very interesting, I like this new approach ;)

  3. I have not made my decision yet also prefer to wait to discuss this with friends from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico. (Latin America)

    I think that hasty decisions are only individualistic positions;)


    hope to give my opinion after this weekend





  4. Compromises, people. Compromises.


    You got my commitment and agree to this (you know this), but I also want "punishments" are over for when you check this unfair .

    "Crime and Punishment" is likely to have a deliberate action ;)



  5. as DR.nip said why on earth should the majority of honest overclockers be penalised for the actions of a few idiots who cheat? this particular proposed change will only benefit a very small minority.


    This is a reality, a sad truth, because of some noobs, we all carry with the problem., It really is a shame, but by racing to score points of unscrupulous unconsciously, many will be affected

    But now, this time with the little information that is put on the pics, as can be determined if they shared Hard ?


    -With a video that are both at the same table with the same hard enough ?


    -Having uploaded benchs same form and format to achieve ?


    -Also, what is the current punishment for sharing Hard ?


    -What is the punishment the captain of the team that allows this practice, or does not control its membership increases at this time ?



    Massman, please I need to respond to these questions , as this not what I have understood, now, not future changes. Today is something too confusing or it seems to me ;)


    Because there are too many who do this practice, especially at meetings of Oc, doing it deliberately or accepted


    Thank YOU





    P.S, off topic: I'm going to get VIP tickets for Paul McCartney in Baires (Argentina), I'm crazy :D

  6. Mobo and SPD tab isn't really going to help, sadly... the other drawback I can think of... where will that info go in a screenshot? Juggling tabs over and over again to get all the (currently) necessary info in, whilst holding temps is bad enough




    K404, I understand your point and I share, is very hard and sometimes impossible, depending on the monitor.:rolleyes:


    This is seen in these pics, it's worse: in this simple example, recently uploaded




    These two boys, I can assure that they have shared hard, same time, same place, same CPU, same mainboard, same memories, same Dice, etc....

    I don't know if will share other things in life, but that if it was shared, maybe the bathroom also, not to say something more rude :D


    Request more information on the pics, is beginning to walk, in the future may find more or better things.

    But we must start with something, if only more information at first


    With all my respect for you, Doing nothing is bad, simple as it sounds, and I'm sure you share this (this comment....xD):)






  7. send them my golden GTX480


    I send you my address by pm, I pay shipping, but not if I give it back, I have to share with members of Team (230 members) besides, I can lend it to my daughter to play for a while? :D


    Sorry, but Seriously, this is not good and there is no chance of being considered.

    Unfortunately, the correct path is the longest, choose the shortest and simplest is a serious error



  8. On of the underlying issues here is that team captains all too often choose the side of their team member, even though evidence shows that hardware sharing (or cheating for that matter) happened.


    VERY open to suggestions from the team captains, but in return I want them to take responsibility as well and remove the unfair players from their team if they suspect something strange is going on.


    That is true, as sure as the competition itself, where competition is a priority at any cost, the captains are only its members lawyers, and nothing else

    This is increased when there antagonism and enmity between the teams :mad:


    But something can be done in the meantime found solutions, increase the data on the screens, as I said in my post 520




    Is to start down the road, improving catches in principle is something else to consider, now, and while debate further improve the above problem


    Doing nothing is bad, simple as it sounds ;)


    Maybe,...draw the attention of every one of the captains to enforce accountability to the community, and that their work is not just wild defense of the members, but also be responsible for bad practices, controlling each of the bench submit to hwbot

    the captain is directly responsible to the community members


    Anyway...deliberate disloyalty should be reduced, it must find safe routes, is not be easy job, A Long and Winding Road (beautiful song of my time Young :D)


    People I should clarify, I'm not captain of my Team, but I worry that I consider something unfair practice. :)

    My Team has a good captain, always reminded everyone not to share hard, does not want any problems or complaints with this community




    P.S: I hope you understand as clearly as possible what I mean

  9. Who knows, maybe I'm one of those hate-a-laters in their eyes too.


    No, no my friend, I don't think so

    you're defending a position you think is correct, I can not judge right or wrong.

    But it is true that taking things more clear in benchs fewer problems among the community of overclockers and far fewer unnecessary discussions


    We can all make mistakes, we are only human beings, but when deliberately violates the rules, a violation that should receive sansion


    Also the rules should be as clear as possible, without any holes.

    While this is resolved, I insist on something I've written before



    I quote myself


    Should be required on the screens the mainboard tab, and full screen windows, without any cuts, including the taskbar,... include this in the rules would be better temporarily until it reaches something about

    I think it will be better...



  10. You did nothing wrong sweet and your post in no way offended me. It takes alot to offend me actually. Over the last year though there have been some, and they know who they are, that have tried their hardest to accuse, shake up and cause drama. They live off that type of stuff.


    Ahhhh, it's Ok, you're right about that, misunderstand it, thanks





  11. I really don't care and sorry if that offends people. It is just overclocking computers. What pisses me off more than people sharing are the people chrolling and accusing all the time without any factual stuff. Then they want to do nothing but start drama and problems. There is no way of policing it or I might be in tuned to it. End of story . Wish we could move on with life from this broken record we spin day in and day out. People need to get up, get out and get some if this is all they have time for is to complain and whine. Just my 2 cents. I'm out and won't be back to entertain this idea any longer.


    Sorry drnip excuse me, you write it to me?, said something that might bother you, not my intention., Besides, I never, until now, sharing hardware acknowledge anyone, just put two anonymous examples are not your team

    If you want to delete my post

    Many want to help, nothing else



  12. For example, it is hardware sharing ?

    Two real examples uploaded to the page


    Person 1 :






    Person 2:






    were uploaded by the same team, different people, but with a difference day


    As may prove to have these data only, which has shared the same cpu, similar reports times of memo... etc ?

    Can someone explain ?


    Is very difficult to detect and to judge. I am inclined to give only the best score points when performing the bench with the same CPU and same mainboard, at most the top two from each Team score and nothing else


    Should be required on the screens of the mainboard tab, and full screen windows, without any cuts, including the taskbar,... include this in the rules would be better temporarily until it reaches something about.

    I think....



  13. 50 pages, amazing


    my god!


    Well....that's life, we are only human beings, harder to read than to run Vantage with Vodoo :D


    so i think having different class leagues is a great idea. though i think it would be cool to have different leagues for every type of cooling. so the air/water/phase/cascade/ln2 guys can all compete fairly. pro's on water vs amature's on water would be great to see


    Seriously, it would be best, I think so ;)




    Ps: un abrazo Dahaka, saludos a los amigos de Chile :)

  14. The solution to 389 posts of "you're an evil corporate bitch" is quite easy:

    I don't think so

    It's to late in Baires (Argentina), but not it's to late to make something better and more fair, Hwbot

    This great site, I'm sure you do not need this, or even mention it, but the change must be fair.


    - Team League = as it is now

    - new PowerTeam League = only best scores count


    This way you can see the team thrust in the normal league and the true quality (assuming quality equals higher score) in the PowerTeam League.


    Hardware sharing: big problem to solve, especially when it gets an unfair advantage to others, we should debate this without resentment or accusations.

    Not bad to tap only a few of the many bench's, with the same hard, within the same team, trying to avoid the many reports of hardware sharing

    air test a person, another person uses the same hard bench with Dice, this should not be hardware sharing, the same with ln2., But if on the same team, there are over two tests with the same hard, it could be, who are sharing, for example, there are over two tests with same hard with air, unless it could show videos of each bench, and photos of mother and Cpu.


    Limited to a maximum of two bench to score when the same CPU and the same mother. (same team, of course)

    Get less points when used micros ES , or nothing ?



    Team League : Why they are not three different competitions, Air, Dice and Ln2 ?

    proposing ways to demonstrate the Bench, videos, photos, screens, etc.,

    By the mere fact of using three different types of refrigeration, gives us three different leagues. no?


    the three leagues should not be differentiated by individuals or teams, for example, Hipro, kingpin, and all teachers of Oc. including Massman you can win or lose to others in the Cat. air.

    But, following the example, I can lose with yours in Dice or Ln2 (that's true :()


    Each type of refrigeration used should obtain separate scores, each participant can, get used score for each refrigeration, again, for example, Air + Hwboints, Dice ++, Ln2 +++, rewarding effort and addition to the investment and dediaciòn


    anyway, attempt to provide even minimally, what I think


    Please make an effort to understand, or write in Spanish or Italian:)


    Kind regards



  15. Latin America, the project was severely shaken, that is my thinking and that of many with whom I spoke.

    in this region of the world, money is not the most abundant.

    how little or much hard use buy it, like everyone here in the south,



    @Leeghoofd, what you say is true, well....in this part of the world, manufacturers do not send one sticker,


    Well REV4 is not the way to go, as it will only distract people from competing; only the top manufacture teams will win.


    How to make OCing more attractive


    Open up more categories for all overclockers, using different types of cooling and let them have their own league.


    How to improve this REV without tearing it down without even thinking about it...?


    I do not think this will be possible, as said HWBOT may as well pick the teams from the list of top overclockers now.


    We have raised in a old post. two years ago

    Thats is the right way...,


    I'm so sorry, but to me, and friends of the teams from Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, leaves us wondering if we continue in this.




    P.S: in the forums Oc.of South, people are talking about all this proyect

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