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Everything posted by Warrior_oF_Byte

  1. Facusss fijate de no tapar la ventana de 3Dmark, y de desplegar la ventana de detalles que son requeridas para la captura. La VGA no sube mas? a 900mhz tiene que llegarrrr Aaaaaamovamovamo!!!!
  2. bueno Pata, tampoco es para que lo repitas tanto. Si es un buen micro se ve Le gusto el agua fresca en estos dias de verano
  3. yes! why not? It's an invitation. I.E. the next American Footbal Cup, Japan is invited! and Japan is not part of america. ( )
  4. You forgot bloody! "Fighting for Ultimate Warrior Samurai Ninja Knight Bloody Battle League" THISSS ISSS SSSSPARTAAA!
  5. up tp 10eur here. But like RB said, I'd like that the bot still remains free.
  6. I agree with that! I mean two leagues, not the you are a bitch part... We can try it....
  7. Yes! +1 for that. But also I think if two member had the same hw, it isn't fair for them that only one could help their team. Like Daenzo said before, what about percentages, eg: Team A 3D06 5870 ranking OCer1 #2 45pts OCer2 #7 30pts OCer3 #13 21pts OCer4 #22 12pts Team A gets 98pts total with rev 3 With Rev 4 only 45pts and OCer2, OCer3 and OCer4 sads because they could help to the team. Why not to do something like this: Personal Team OCer1 #2 45pts 45pts OCer2 #7 30pts 3pts (if isn't the best of their team only gets its 10% of the personal submission value) OCer3 #13 21pts 2.1pts OCer4 #22 12pts 1.2pts That only 10% better than nothing. It could be a 5% too. Submissions below 1pts obtains 0.1 to the team. 90% fair against sharing hw and 10% fair for who has the same hw.
  8. Congratz Marco! First Argentinian breaking 100KMarks in 3D01! Keep Pushing!
  9. Last weekend three of our members, chotonito, LFM-Xtreme23 and FelipeA_C, were part of the Overclocking Argentina workshop at the National University of San Luis. They explained what Overclocking is in front of 80 students who gathered to learn about this culture. They didn't use the ultimate* hardware, but they shown how a extreme overclocking session was with an ASUS RE II and a couple of i7 920. Also they had a i5 750 with an Asus P7P55D and a bunch of VGAs. Some pics below: more pics or video soon Here is a link to the local news: http://linux0.unsl.edu.ar/~webfmn/boletines/boletin321/noticia3-OVER.htm (spanish)
  10. Y tambien empeza a bajar un poco el HT link porque estas llegando al limite! ponelo en 4x
  11. 2 years??? really? wow. Could you confirm with more accuracy, because I'll have to moderate a lot of submission... and maybe I'll report a lot of another teams submissions, and that will be a lot of work for me and for you thor. he he. Thanks.
  12. Felipe, ya hable con Thor, y todo se soluciono. Hoy hubo un problema con los screeshot y no se mostraban. Ahora que se ven, ya fueron aprobadas nuevamente tus benchs. Thanks again thor.
  13. Hi all, I had not been very active lately... so maybe I'm out of date with some rules. Today, 4 team submissions had been blocked, so I started to read all the rules of the all benchmarks, and now I have a doubt: • In 3D01, 3D03, 3D05, 3D06 the details window(Subtests) is required, but since when? A lot of screen shot in my team are wrong, and i should have to moderate them. So, Since when the subtest windows is required in the screen shot? Thanks.
  14. Ticket ID: 990 Priority: Low Hi, a teammate has a 4670 DDR2 and it is not listed. Could you add it please?\r\n\r\nHere is the validation link:\r\nhttp://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/wkkzd/\r\n\r\nand a photo:\r\n\r\n\r\nthanks!
  15. Hi RB, there is some way that we can translate THE RULES to the different languages?
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