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  1. I resubbed this run already. With screenshot...
  2. Oof. I thought the screenshot made it through, but I guess not! I have it, but I'm guessing it's too late to add it now since it isn't uploading ?
  3. Nice! Yoloing vcore on an AIO can be very fun
  4. It does seem like this chip is fairly decent, but I was just using a 420mm AIO in the window. At the time it was about 20f outside, or -6c. I later found that only 2 of the fans were spinning...
  5. learning the limitations of CPU pots the hard way. yeah. Watching the CPU temp go from -50 to the positives and hearing the pot scream sure was entertaining.
  6. nice vcore, lol cpu-z has gotten funky
  7. This is also something I'd like to know!
  8. How do you manage a 48x CPU Multiplier on a 3500?!
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