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sergmann last won the day on February 28

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  1. don`t forget, I speak from 8400+
  2. Some people don't understand that a microcode has nothing to do with Mem-OC. Microcode is used to customize features of a CPU but not to increase mem performance, other settings in the bios are responsible for that. Mem-OC strongly depends on IMC, mem and settings. If you have the wrong settings, the high clock rate will not work even with the OC bios. I use 8k CL32 all the time with my old 12900k without any problems, with 14900k you can also use 8400 CL32 for benchmarks without any problems. For 24/7 I would go to CL34 and use a little less voltage. My settings for voltage are very relaxed, SA 1.23-1.27, VDDQ/VDD2 1.325/1.375 - 1.40/1.45, depending on CPU and the memory clock.
  3. He need to rerun it with new Y-Cruncher version, without it, don´t think he have so many backups ;)
  4. Thanks guys! USB stick was empty, I filled it a little bit
  5. Thanks guy´s. Yea pretty nice old chip. @Jason IMC it´s still not the limit of IMC but frequency
  6. for the 12600HX you can use X7P bios, it works also fine. for the non-k cpu´s you must use Z790 X6V Bios because you are not able to select 0x09 microcode. This is why I´ve used Z790 or Z690 for non-K cpu´s You can also try to crossflash bios on z790x to the z790 X6V, somewhere here or in th z690 Tachyon Thread was documentation how it´s possible to do
  7. Thanks bro! Still same cpu and each time is the score little better 😂
  8. Sorry, haven’t tested it for stable 24/7 settings. But I think you must play with voltages. Especially with IMC voltages, without adjustment they will be to low
  9. Just for Info, my 14600K works fine CL32 with 1.35SA/ 1.35/1.45 VDD’s my 14900k don’t need slouch high voltages, it works perfectly with 1.27SA 1.37/1.39 VDD’s Everything with CL32. this is why I say I’ve never had problems with SA Voltages. but of course different CPU’s needs different Voltages. Some like higher, some need lower voltages.
  10. At the moment we don’t have new bios for 13+14 gen. But I’ve also never had problems with SA. All my CPU’s works fine with more then 1.20v SA. For Gear4 also over 1.4v but I’ll ask Cookie, as soon as he is back in the office
  11. Congrats! Monster Chip and nice battle. I guess I have to try my chip after holidays one more time 😉
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