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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. What about a combination of rev3 and rev2? For 20 or less results the rev2-Point-System and everything above using the new system. So everything would be fine. Popular hardware will be rewarded much and unpopular also a little bit but not too less....
  2. Im not against the whole rev3. It just seems very unbalanced now... I also like the improvements but i think the new rule for unpopular hardware is a step backwards. The rest is a great work. And thanks for your time diskussing here with us!!!!
  3. Yes i understand your point. But the benchers who only benched unpopular hardware in the past now feel like "kicked in the ass" Like Lippokratis of your Team. Nearly had 1100 hwboints and now just 500. Thats a slap in the face... They also spend time and money in their benches even if they just got 1p for it. Now its only 0,1.
  4. Massman i rly don't understand why you didn't keep the points of unpopular Hardware from rev2 Why not 2p for 1st - 1,5 for 2nd and so on? edit: And really thanks for the time you'r spending here!!!
  5. Yea i totally agree on this! So unpopular hardware should also be more rewarded. You also need skill to bench cards with only 20 results and fight for top 5. Jep! Rewarding only top 100 would be enough... everything more is just "points 4 free"
  6. Yea okay whole 5 is maybe to much but then at least 3/5. But i still think that the jump directly to 0,1 is to "hard". Maybe don't reward scores as much as the top 3 but 0,1 is nearly nothing...
  7. Yes i agree on that but i also think it should be rewarded to bench unpopular hardware. Or nobody will do it in future... I've read a lot of posts hear and i think nearly all hwbot members would appriciate few more points. In my opinion the top 5 should always be rewarded - even if there are just 5 submissions. Like it was in rev2.
  8. So RB, what do you think about a slowly decrease of the Points and not going straight down to 0,1?
  9. In my opinion - yes. But it's not only at 5er ranking. I think the points should be more balanced. Going down slowly and not directly to 0,1
  10. *********** Testing 5 hw rank 1/5: 1.5 hw rank 2/5: 1.2 hw rank 3/5: 0.1 hw rank 4/5: 0.1 hw rank 5/5: 0.1 Why everywhere only 0.1? Why not going 1.5 - 1.2 - 0.9 - 0.6 - 0.1 The step from 1.2 to 0.1 is just to hard and fast
  11. Another suggestion: E.g. GTX285 http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gtx_285?tab=hall%20of%20fame Could you split up the multiple cards ranking? Would be nice if you can directly see the ranking for 2 GPUs only and 3 GPUs only.
  12. Yea i agree on that but i think the "bad" scores should be more rewarded, too. Place 6 is better than 8 but you get 0,1p for both. Thats the point i'm on about
  13. Okay - if there are 10 competitors: It goes: 1st - 2p 2nd - 1,5p 3rd - 1p 4th - 0,5p 5th - 0,1p 6th - 0,1p 7th - 0,1p . . . right? why not going: 2 - 1,9 - 1,8 - 1,7 - 1,6 ......?
  14. Why don't you just raise the points you get for less benched hardware? Why don't keep the 2p for 1st place? It's just nuts to bench for 0,1p which is "nothing"!
  15. Yea i know but "global" always meant to me to have really really fast scores but now it's not about the score. It's just about weight of categories. You try to give ppl with less money the chance to participate at hwbot. That's a good thought! The old scheme rewarding the top 5 was great. 2 points for 1st and then go down slowly. If you don't reward benching unpopular hardware no one will bench it. Okay you say for achievements but there are a lot of benchers benching for the team like "Lippokratis" of PCGamesHardware did. Now he has hundred of results with 0,1 points... there is no motivation for him to go on benching unpopular CPUs. In my opinion the difference between popular and unpopular is to big. You should reward unpopular hardware a bit more. In the past you recieved good points beeing in Top20 Hardwarecategory. Now you often get 0,1p at place 3, 4, 5 or less... just not balanced
  16. So it would be better to split the wPrime Ranking up in Sockets and not in Cores. Multi-Socket systems like big servers wouldn't recieve that much. It's just not "global" if you can beat a 975 with a E8600...
  17. Yes that's true but who will bench unpopular hardware if you only recieve 0,1-0,5p even on place 3. But if you submit a really bad score you get 0,1 anyway... That makes it not worth to bench anymore. And who will go for the "real WRs" now? If you earn most points with only one card? You need much more skills to bench 4 GPUs subzero and therefore you get nearly nothing compared to single GPU. Global always meant to me gaining a really fast score and now, in wPrime 1024m, i get more global Points with an E8600 than a i7-975?
  18. This new rev is just... I know it was hard work for you to develop but after this "event" im not motivated to bench in the future... Our Team lost nearly 3000 Points and went from 10 to 14. And everywhere i look, i just see 0,1p results -.-. Nothing to say about. 0,1p even in top 5 is just c**.
  19. Heya i benched a 7900GX2 some months ago. GPU-Z showed the card as 7950GX2 but its a 7900GX2 so i also took pictures of the card while benching: http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/attachments/103564d1242504694-extremecooling-benchsession-biberach-600l-ln2-img_0100.jpg http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/attachments/103574d1242504812-extremecooling-benchsession-biberach-600l-ln2-img_0111.jpg At this moment i couldn't attach it to the results because the feature was established few weeks later. You can also have a look on the default clocks. 7900GX2 (GPU/Memory): 500/605 7950GX2 (GPU/Memory): 500/600 And mine shows 500/605. The reported results: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=853563 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=853570 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=845620 So hope this helps. Regards der8auer
  20. Save the file at your bench-rig. Install 3DMark03 on a computer with internet. Open 3DMark03 and right click on the Futuremark icon. Then you can upload it to Futuremark.
  21. You've also a wrong result there :D http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=804352 Okay gonna report all wrong results tomorrow.
  22. As far as i know the ROPs can not be unlocked there. Some manufacturers sell cards with 2 and some with 4 ROPs...
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