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Everything posted by Oj0

  1. He submits every time he doesn't break something Well the application could be used for viewing submissions and rankings as well? I just don't like the feel of HWBOT on a small, touch screen phone, it feels very awkward. It's like comparing browsing the forums on your phone's browser vs TapaTalk.
  2. How about completely random ending times? Make it reasonable (i.e. not the same week it started), maybe between one month and three months after starting. Let nobody know these dates. Sandbagging = solved? I can already see it pissing people off that planned a big event and they already have the hardware prepped for a weekend, but I think with minimum stage times of one month they should've benched earlier?
  3. Impatience Everyone I've ever benched with has lugged a laptop around or had another computer running to upload on the fly It really shouldn't be difficult, the engine is already there so all that the application would need to do is interface with the website really. I reckon 90 % of the coding will be the interface.
  4. Ah I see, I thought you meant on all drivers. I was on either 285.xx or 296.xx, I was using AM3 as reference for performance relative to frequency.
  5. While we're benching it's always fun to submit results on the fly. The problem with that is you need another PC or laptop at hand for submitting results - something that's not always practical. Here's my idea. How many of us have smart phones? Most of us. Why not have an Android and/or iPhone application for submitting results? I find that neither my phone's built-in browser or Opera Mobile work particularly well with the submission page, and I think a dedicated application would be very practical. From a development point of view, it should be a very simple application to write.
  6. I'm not sure I follow? My best 580 scales past 1,000 MHz, all the way to 1,050 MHz where it craps out on air cooling.
  7. I have been. Other than for 24/7 stability and a local low clock challenge I ran in South Africa about a year ago in an attempt to spark interest amongst my fellow SA'ers, I haven't overclocked for a good two years. You might like what I'm doing now though, I don't know if you would classify it as a Classic Platform but my little project is 7 CPUs, 7 litres of LN2, 7.777 GHz goal Time for a new benching room, who needs a kitchen?
  8. George you've been promising to return for years, what's happened to you? You're one of the names I miss most around here, in fact I mentioned it on XS just a few days ago. Your crazy mods were awesome
  9. Well I took a picture of their Facebook wall for prosperity before the post gets removed:
  10. Call me an idiot but I can't figure it out
  11. If this CPU was sold or loaned, don't delete the result. Hiwa's result is already down so deleting the "second place" result is effectively deletint the CPU.
  12. The way I do it is delete the score and repost
  13. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/957661_oj0_3dmark_2003_radeon_hd_4670_39063_marks?tab=more Help With the card at 750/1000 I get 26k or so which is correct, at 800/1050 my score goes up by 50%?? I've tried MS drivers, Cat 9.1 and Cat 9.10, running twice in a row, driver sweeper, ... WHY's my score ALWAYS bugged?
  14. Is it being ten times quicker than it should be not enough?
  15. They do, but the FSB wall is around 300MHz. Stock is 200x10
  16. No dude, this isn't a nice way to start the day RIP buddy
  17. It's the way I would've liked to see this play out though.
  18. Why's everybody running such "crap" chips at such "low" frequencies? E8600 @ 3GHz on Asrock board, GF4200 @ 344/700MHz on water... Tempting, I hope I can get my board back in a hurry
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