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Everything posted by Zamin

  1. hello i have two board if you interested .
  2. bump
  3. bump.you can offer
  4. bump
  5. price drop to 300usd shipping included
  6. i don't remember i did ln2 but it doesnt matter i think. i sent it to technician to change caps i changed first 3 cap after that i recommend to change other vrm caps because i could give to much heat(it blowed some of electrolyte and i also change them)and it can degrade electrolyte caps . there is not any mod in that board it is working state 4 memory slot, 2 pcie and satas are working. it is very rare motherboard 300usd shipping included payment method is iban . i have one more i975xa-ydg i can sell both i have submission for that cpu which comes with mobo.
  7. bump
  8. i can buy a lot of non binned c8 2000 ,c71866
  9. pm sent
  10. i interested with rexs
  11. i need hyper new chip memories . you can pm me what it can do at 6-7-5 2000 and price.i need <1.9v. i have forwarder in uk,germany, usa , china
  12. Zamin

    kingpin pot nb-2

    unfortunately it doesn't fit rex with heatsink
  13. Zamin

    kingpin pot nb-2

    i need this pot for reasonable price i have forwarder in uk,germany, usa , china
  14. @klopcha hi , i don't have validation link . i am using EE pot (old version of f1 dark or something like that) maybe i will put in other new submissions
  15. pm for x48 rampage extreme
  16. do you have info about cb or imc of this cpu?
  17. Zamin

    hot backplate

    i want to buy hot backplate
  18. hey guys . i have this board you can look my topic on wanted section.
  19. i975xa-ydg is one of the rare board . i can trade with very tough hyper
  20. thank you. this chip pass 7.2ghz(pi fast or superpi it should be superpi I don't remember) ws board without voltage mod i think this chip can do top score easily. my rex didn't come yet
  21. i want to do ln2 session i need award fabrik. i found but it looks newer i need for older platform
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